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Contents of Cryptozoology 6

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1. Bayanov, D. 1987.

Why Cryptozoology?
Cryptozoology 6:1-7. CELD ID 9860.

2. Janis, C. 1987.

Fossil ungulate mammals depicted on archaeological artifacts
Cryptozoology 6:8-23. CELD ID 9861.

3. Krantz, GS. 1987.

A reconstruction of the skull of Gigantopithecux blacki and it s comparison with a living form
Cryptozoology 6:24-39. CELD ID 9862.

4. Dethier, M; Dethier-Sakamoto, A. 1987.

The Tzuchinoko an unidentified snake from Japan
Cryptozoology 6:40-48. CELD ID 9863.

5. El-Mallakh, RS. 1987.

Cloning extinct genes
Cryptozoology 6:49-54. CELD ID 9864.

6. LeBlond, PH; Collins, MJ. 1987.

The Wilson Nessie photo: A size determination based on physical principles
Cryptozoology 6:55-64. CELD ID 9865.

7. Somer, L. 1987.

New signs of Sasquatch activity in the Blue Mountains of Washington State
Cryptozoology 6:65-70. CELD ID 9866.

8. Zarzynski, JW. 1987.

LCPI work at Lake Champlain, 1987
Cryptozoology 6:71-77. CELD ID 9867.

9. Hewkin, JA. 1987.

Observations of two lines of Sasquatch lines in Oregon
Cryptozoology 6:78-84. CELD ID 9868.

10. Smith, RD; Konrad, WL. 1987.

Investigations and sonar testing at Lake Champlain, 1987
Cryptozoology 6:85-87. CELD ID 9869.

11. Buffetaut, E. 1987.

Book review: Les Survivants de l'Ombre [Survivors of the Shadows] by Jean-Jacques Barloy
Cryptozoology 6:88-90. CELD ID 9870.

12. Greenwell, JR. 1987.

Book review: Quarternary extinctions: A Prehistoric Revolution edited by Paul S. Martin and Richard G. Klein
Cryptozoology 6:90-100. CELD ID 9871.

13. Debenat, J-P. 1987.

Book review: Les Felin-Mystere: Sure les Traces d'un Mythe Moderne [The Mystery Felines: On the Track of a Modern Myth] by Jean-Louis Brodu and Michel Meurger
Cryptozoology 6:101-105. CELD ID 9872.

14. Manners, RD. 1987.

Book review: Curious Encounters: Phantom Trains, Spooky Spots and Other Mysterious Wonders by Loren Coleman
Cryptozoology 6:105-107. CELD ID 9873.

15. Tomasi, T. 1987.

Checking the Checklist
Cryptozoology 6:108-109. CELD ID 9874.

16. Raynal, M. 1987.

The Linnaeus of the zoology of tomorrow
Cryptozoology 6:110-115. CELD ID 9875.

17. Janis, C. 1987.

A reevluation of some cryptozoological animals
Cryptozoology 6:115-118. CELD ID 9876.

18. Albert, VA. 1987.

A bungle in the jungle, or, why specialization is important in cryptozoology
Cryptozoology 6:119-120. CELD ID 9877.

19. Heuvelmans, B. 1987.

Checklist corrected and completed
Cryptozoology 6:121-124. CELD ID 9878.

20. Bayanov, D. 1987.

Who's afraid of "Hairy Horrids"?
Cryptozoology 6:124-125. CELD ID 9879.

21. Joyner, GC. 1987.

The Yahoo: a possible solution
Cryptozoology 6:125-128. CELD ID 9880.

22. Groves, CP. 1987.

Noise, signal, and evidence
Cryptozoology 6:128-129. CELD ID 9881.

23. Raynal, M. 1987.

Properties of collagen and the nature of the Florida Monster
Cryptozoology 6:129-130. CELD ID 9882.

24. Reed, CA. 1987.

Was it really a Yeti?
Cryptozoology 6:131-132. CELD ID 9883.

25. Taylor-Ide, D. 1987.

The Garwhal Yeti: alternative explanations
Cryptozoology 6:132-134. CELD ID 9884.

26. Wooldridge, AB. 1987.

The Yeti: A rock after all?
Cryptozoology 6:135-137. CELD ID 9885.

27. Greenwell, JR. 1987.

Tracing Monsters
Cryptozoology 6:137-140. CELD ID 9886.

28. Poirier, FE. 1987.

More on China's Wildman
Cryptozoology 6:141. CELD ID 9887.

29. Heaney, M. 1987.

More on "Ethnoknown"
Cryptozoology 6:141-143. CELD ID 9888.

30. Debenat, J-P. 1987.

"Ethnoknown" or "Ethnognostic"?
Cryptozoology 6:143-145. CELD ID 9889.

31. Sehm, GG. 1987.

The Ri is the Irrawaddy dolphin
Cryptozoology 6:145-149. CELD ID 9890.

32. Williams, TR. 1987.

Is the Ri the Irrawaddy dolphin?
Cryptozoology 6:149-151. CELD ID 9891.

33. Lloyd, LE. 1987.

In defense of big cats
Cryptozoology 6:151. CELD ID 9892.

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