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Contents of Cryptozoology 5

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1. Heuvelmans, B. 1986.

Annotated checklist of apparently unknown animals with which Cryptozoology is concerned
Cryptozoology 5:1-26. CELD ID 9821.

2. Hewkin, JA. 1986.

Investigating Sasquatch evidence in the Pacific Northwest
Cryptozoology 5:27-37. CELD ID 9822.

3. Brussard, PF. 1986.

The Likelihood of persistence of small populations of large animals and its implications for cryptozoology
Cryptozoology 5:38-46. CELD ID 9823.

4. Groves, CP. 1986.

The Yahoo, the Yowie, and reports of Australian hairy bipeds
Cryptozoology 5:47-54. CELD ID 9824.

5. Mackal, RP. 1986.

Biochemical analyses of preserved Octopus giganteus tissue
Cryptozoology 5:55-62. CELD ID 9825.

6. Wooldridge, AB. 1986.

First photos of the Yeti: an encounter in North India
Cryptozoology 5:63-76. CELD ID 9826.

7. Zarzynski, JW. 1986.

LCPI work at Lake Champlain, 1986
Cryptozoology 5:77-80. CELD ID 9827.

8. Miller, ME; Cacciolfi, W. 1986.

Results of the New World Explorers Society Himalayan Yeti Exploration
Cryptozoology 5:81-84. CELD ID 9828.

9. Smith, RD. 1986.

Investigations and Systems tests in the Lake Champlain Basin, 1986
Cryptozoology 5:85-88. CELD ID 9829.

10. Smith, M. 1986.

Book review: Savage Shado. The Search for the Australian Cougar by David O'Reilly
Cryptozoology 5:89-91. CELD ID 9830.

11. Greenwell, JR. 1986.

Book review: Search for the Tasmanian Tiger by Quentin Beresford and Garry Bailey
Cryptozoology 5:91-93. CELD ID 9831.

12. Reichenbach, H. 1986.

Book review: Seeungeheuer: Fabeln und Fakten [Sea Monsters: Fables and Facts] by P. Werner Lange and Fabelwesen des Meeres [Fabulous Creatures of the Sea] by Sonnfried Streicher
Cryptozoology 5:93-94. CELD ID 9832.

13. Bauer, HH. 1986.

Book review: Champ: Beyond the Legend by Joseph W. Zarzynski
Cryptozoology 5:95-96. CELD ID 9833.

14. Thomas, C. 1986.

Book review: The Great Sea-Serpent Controversy: A Cultural Study by Paul Lester
Cryptozoology 5:97-98. CELD ID 9834.

15. Green, J. 1986.

Book review: The Evidence for Bigfoot and Other Man-Beasts by Janet and Colin Bord
Cryptozoology 5:98-99. CELD ID 9835.

16. Sprague, R. 1986.

Book review: The Sasquatch and Other Unknown Hominoids edited by Vladimir Markotic and Grover Krantz
Cryptozoology 5:99-108. CELD ID 9836.

17. Guoxing, Z. 1986.

On wildman reports and Chinese macaques
Cryptozoology 5:109-111. CELD ID 9837.

18. Grison, B. 1986.

Edwin Ray Lankester and the early history of cryptozoology
Cryptozoology 5:111-112. CELD ID 9838.

19. Barloy, J-J. 1986.

A useful and pertinent classification
Cryptozoology 5:112-113. CELD ID 9839.

20. Debenat, J-P. 1986.

On the definition of the term "Ethnoknown"
Cryptozoology 5:113-116. CELD ID 9840.

21. Wursig, B; Silber, G. 1986.

The perils of cryptozoology and a new classification
Cryptozoology 5:117-120. CELD ID 9841.

22. Spassov, N. 1986.

Cryptozoology: its scope and progress
Cryptozoology 5:120-124. CELD ID 9842.

23. Greenwell, JR. 1986.

Terminology, categories, and theory in cryptozoology
Cryptozoology 5:124-128. CELD ID 9843.

24. Krumbiegel, I. 1986.

The unseen argus pheasant
Cryptozoology 5:128-130. CELD ID 9844.

25. Olsen, JW. 1986.

More on the identity of the Egyptian animal deity, Set
Cryptozoology 5:130-131. CELD ID 9845.

26. Swords, MD. 1986.

On Set as an Egyptian figment
Cryptozoology 5:131-132. CELD ID 9846.

27. Krantz, GS. 1986.

Some friction over sole pads
Cryptozoology 5:132-134. CELD ID 9847.

28. Cachel, S. 1986.

On Sasquatch Weight and Gait
Cryptozoology 5:134-135. CELD ID 9848.

29. Lazell, JD. 1986.

The search for rare animals: statistics and probability
Cryptozoology 5:135-138. CELD ID 9849.

30. Guynn, DC; Downing, RL; Askew, GR. 1986.

Objective data vs. opinion
Cryptozoology 5:138-140. CELD ID 9850.

31. Greenwell, JR. 1986.

Cryptozoology 5:140-144. CELD ID 9851.

32. Francis, D. 1986.

The subject was cats
Cryptozoology 5:145-146. CELD ID 9852.

33. Moore, R. 1986.

Affluent cats
Cryptozoology 5:146. CELD ID 9853.

34. Bottreill, LG. 1986.

A cat for all seasons
Cryptozoology 5:147. CELD ID 9854.

35. Winn, EB. 1986.

The dragons on the River Kwai
Cryptozoology 5:147-150. CELD ID 9855.

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