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Contents of Cryptozoology 3

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1. Heuvelmans, B. 1984.

The birth and early history of cryptozoology
Cryptozoology 3:1-30. CELD ID 8925.

2. Downing, RL. 1984.

The search for cougars in the eastern United States
Cryptozoology 3:31-49. CELD ID 8926.

3. Zarzynski, JW. 1984.

"Seileag": the unknown animal(s) of Loch Shiel, Scotland
Cryptozoology 3:50-54. CELD ID 8927.

4. Joyner, G. 1984.

The orang-utan in England: an explanation for the use of yahoo as a name for the Australian hairy man
Cryptozoology 3:55-57. CELD ID 8928.

5. Guoxing, Z. 1984.

Morphological analysis of the Jiulong Mountain "manbear" (Wildman) hand and foot specimens
Cryptozoology 3:58-70. CELD ID 8929.

6. Rines, RH; Edgerton, HE; Needleman, R. 1984.

Activities of the Academy of Applied Science related to investigations at Loch Ness, 1984
Cryptozoology 3:71-73. CELD ID 8930.

7. Bayanov, D. 1984.

A field investigation into the relict hominoid situation in Tajikistan, U.S.S.R.
Cryptozoology 3:74-79. CELD ID 8931.

8. Zarzynski, JW. 1984.

LCPI work at Lake Champlain, 1984
Cryptozoology 3:80-83. CELD ID 8932.

9. Keller, ME. 1984.

An attempt to obtain a specimen of sasquatch through prolonged fieldwork
Cryptozoology 3:84-88. CELD ID 8933.

10. Smith, RD. 1984.

Testing an underwater video system at Lake Champlain
Cryptozoology 3:89-93. CELD ID 8934.

11. Wood, FG. 1984.

Book review: The Guinness Book of Animal Facts and Feats
Cryptozoology 3:94-95. CELD ID 8935.

12. Sherbrooke, WC. 1984.

Book review: On the Track of the Mystery Animal: The Story of the Discovery of the Okapi
Cryptozoology 3:96-97. CELD ID 8936.

13. Mackal, RP. 1984.

Book review: Loch Ness Monster
Cryptozoology 3:97-99. CELD ID 8937.

14. Leduc, G. 1984.

Book review: Monstres des Lacs du Quebec: Mythes et Troublantes Realites [Monsters in Quebec Lakes: Myths and Troublesome Realities]
Cryptozoology 3:100-101. CELD ID 8938.

15. Cohen, D. 1984.

Book review: Monsters Among Us
Cryptozoology 3:101-102. CELD ID 8939.

16. Greenwell, JR. 1984.

Book review: The Encyclopedia of Monsters
Cryptozoology 3:102-104. CELD ID 8940.

17. Reed, CA. 1984.

Book review: The Bigfoot Casebook
Cryptozoology 3:104-105. CELD ID 8941.

18. LeBlond, PH; Wang, L. 1984.

Book review: A World-Shocking Theft [in Chinese]
Cryptozoology 3:105-108. CELD ID 8942.

19. Heuvelmans, B. 1984.

Cryptozoology: what it really is
Cryptozoology 3:109-111. CELD ID 8943.

20. Groves, CP. 1984.

But how many large, terrestrial animal species remain to be discovered?
Cryptozoology 3:111-115. CELD ID 8944.

21. Heuvelmans, B. 1984.

Cryptozoology is after both aquatic and terrestrial animals, not to mention misinformed zoologists
Cryptozoology 3:115-118. CELD ID 8945.

22. Brussard, PF; Wright, J. 1984.

On data selection and analysis
Cryptozoology 3:118-119. CELD ID 8946.

23. Heuvelmans, B. 1984.

Fashion and novelty - not to be confused with truth
Cryptozoology 3:120-122. CELD ID 8947.

24. Lapseritis, J. 1984.

Golden monkey versus wildman: a questionable comparison
Cryptozoology 3:122-124. CELD ID 8948.

25. Poirier, FE. 1984.

A golden clarification
Cryptozoology 3:124-125. CELD ID 8949.

26. Bayanov, D. 1984.

Reevaluation in doubt
Cryptozoology 3:125-127. CELD ID 8950.

27. Heaney, M. 1984.

Corroboration lacking
Cryptozoology 3:127. CELD ID 8951.

28. Shields, MJ. 1984.

Living animal or faked ridges?
Cryptozoology 3:127-128. CELD ID 8952.

29. Dahinden, R. 1984.

Whose dermal ridges?
Cryptozoology 3:128-131. CELD ID 8953.

30. Krantz, GS. 1984.

Et tu, Rene?
Cryptozoology 3:131-134. CELD ID 8954.

31. Montagu, A. 1984.

On sasquatch footprints
Cryptozoology 3:134-135. CELD ID 8955.

32. Krantz, GS. 1984.

On giant men
Cryptozoology 3:135-136. CELD ID 8956.

33. Tassy, P. 1984.

The Congolese Mokele-Mbembe report: its scientific content
Cryptozoology 3:136-137. CELD ID 8957.

34. Kuban, GJ. 1984.

Mokele-Mbembe or turtle?
Cryptozoology 3:137-140. CELD ID 8958.

35. Agnagna, M. 1984.

Neither turtle nor snake
Cryptozoology 3:140-141. CELD ID 8959.

36. Janis, CM. 1984.

The sauropod hypothesis: An evaluation of the Congolese report on Mokele-Mbembe
Cryptozoology 3:141-144. CELD ID 8960.

37. Sibert, JR. 1984.

Semantics versus cryptozoology
Cryptozoology 3:144-145. CELD ID 8961.

38. Ellis, R. 1984.

Is the ri a porpoise?
Cryptozoology 3:146-147. CELD ID 8962.

39. Britton, KM. 1984.

Is the ri a tropical beluga?
Cryptozoology 3:147-149. CELD ID 8963.

40. Wagner, R. 1984.

The nature of the ri
Cryptozoology 3:149-151. CELD ID 8964.

41. Greenwell, JR. 1984.

The ri: zoology and folklore
Cryptozoology 3:151-154. CELD ID 8965.

42. Beckjord, J-E. 1984.

Ri evidence lacking
Cryptozoology 3:154-155. CELD ID 8966.

43. Wagner, R. 1984.

Objective evaluation lacking
Cryptozoology 3:156. CELD ID 8967.

44. Smith, EC. 1984.

A second look at the press' attitude toward cryptozoology
Cryptozoology 3:156-158. CELD ID 8968.

45. Westrum, R. 1984.

A second look at a second look
Cryptozoology 3:158-160. CELD ID 8969.

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