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Contents of Cryptozoology 2

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1. Heuvelmans, B. 1983.

How many animal species remain to be discovered?
Cryptozoology 2:1-24. CELD ID 8898.

2. Poirier, FE; Hongxing, H; Chen, C-M. 1983.

The evidence for Wildman in Hubei Province, People's Republic of China
Cryptozoology 2:25-39. CELD ID 8899.

3. Heaney, M. 1983.

The Mongolian Almas: A historical reevaluation of the sighting by Baradiin
Cryptozoology 2:40-52. CELD ID 8900.

4. Krantz, GS. 1983.

Anatomy and dermatoglyphics of three Sasquatch footprints
Cryptozoology 2:53-81. CELD ID 8901.

5. LeBlond, PH. 1983.

A previously unreported "sea serpent" sighting in the south Atlantic
Cryptozoology 2:82-84. CELD ID 8902.

6. Buffetaut, E. 1983.

Vertical flexure in Jurassic and Cretaceous marine crocodilians and its relevance to modern "sea serpent" reports
Cryptozoology 2:85-89. CELD ID 8903.

7. Colarusso, J. 1983.

Further notes on the role of folklore in hominology
Cryptozoology 2:90-97. CELD ID 8904.

8. King, JE; Greenwell, JR. 1983.

Attitudes of biological limnologists and oceanographers toward supposed unknown animals in Loch Ness
Cryptozoology 2:98-102. CELD ID 8905.

9. Agnagna, M. 1983.

Results of the first Congolese Mokele-Mbembe expedition
Cryptozoology 2:103-112. CELD ID 8906.

10. Wagner, R; Greenwell, JR; Raymond, GJ; Von Nieda, K. 1983.

Further investigations into the biological and cultural affinities of the ri
Cryptozoology 2:113-125. CELD ID 8907.

11. Zarzynski, JW. 1983.

LCPI work at Lake Champlain, 1983
Cryptozoology 2:126-131. CELD ID 8908.

12. Tassy, P. 1983.

Book Review: Les Betes Humaines d'Afrique [The Human Beasts of Africa]
Cryptozoology 2:132-133. CELD ID 8909.

13. Nowak, RM. 1983.

Book Review: Alien Animals
Cryptozoology 2:133-136. CELD ID 8910.

14. Truzzi, M. 1983.

Book Review: A Geo-Bibliography of Anomalies: Primary Access to Observations of UFOs, Ghosts, and Other Mysterious Phenomena
Cryptozoology 2:136-138. CELD ID 8911.

15. Greenwell, JR. 1983.

Book Review: Incredible Life: A Handbook of Biological Mysteries
Cryptozoology 2:138-141. CELD ID 8912.

16. Heppell, D. 1983.

Book Review: Topsell's Histories of Beasts
Cryptozoology 2:141-144. CELD ID 8913.

17. Wilkinson, MJ. 1983.

Book Review: The Magic Zoo: The Natural History of Fabulous Animals
Cryptozoology 2:145-146. CELD ID 8914.

18. Heppell, D. 1983.

Parataxa and hypothetical concepts - Their irrelevance to cryptozoology
Cryptozoology 2:147-154. CELD ID 8915.

19. Van Valen, LM. 1983.

Cryptozoology, paleontology, and evidence
Cryptozoology 2:155-157. CELD ID 8916.

20. Poirier, FE. 1983.

Golden monkeys, macaques, and wildman
Cryptozoology 2:157-159. CELD ID 8917.

21. Sibert, JR. 1983.

Ri-ality: A mermaid in the hand?
Cryptozoology 2:159-161. CELD ID 8918.

22. Mead, JG. 1983.

Ri or dugong?
Cryptozoology 2:161-162. CELD ID 8919.

23. Westrum, R. 1983.

The press and anomaly reports: Distortions of tone, time, and place
Cryptozoology 2:162-166. CELD ID 8920.

24. Corliss, WR. 1983.

Sanitized science versus anomalies
Cryptozoology 2:167. CELD ID 8921.

25. Mackal, RP. 1983.

Nessie statistics
Cryptozoology 2:168. CELD ID 8922.

26. Burton, M. 1983.

The wish to believe
Cryptozoology 2:168-169. CELD ID 8923.

27. Suttles, W. 1983.

Hominology: A realistic response to a realist
Cryptozoology 2:169-171. CELD ID 8924.

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