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Contents of Cryptozoology 12

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1. Bauer, AM; Russell, AP. 1993-1996.

A Living Plesiosaur?: A critical assessment of the description of Cadborosaurus
Cryptozoology 12:1-18. CELD ID 10236.

2. Sehm, GG. 1993-1996.

On a possible unknown species of giant devil ray, Manta sp.
Cryptozoology 12:19-29. CELD ID 10237.

3. Ineich, I; Zug, GR. 1993-1996.

Tachygyia, the giant Tongan skink: Extinct or Extant?
Cryptozoology 12:30-35. CELD ID 10238.

4. Walter, MP. 1993-1996.

The cryptozoological implications of old bird names in native vocabularies
Cryptozoology 12:36-41. CELD ID 10239.

5. Dratch, PA; Roslund, W; Martenson, JS; Culver, M; O'Brien, SJ. 1993-1996.

Molecular genetic identification of a Mexican onza specimen as a Puma (Puma concolor)
Cryptozoology 12:42-49. CELD ID 10240.

6. Hocking, PJ. 1993-1996.

Further investigations into unknown Peruvian Mammals
Cryptozoology 12:50-57. CELD ID 10241.

7. Tishkov, A. 1993-1996.

Obervations of a Yeti in the Himalayas of Tibet
Cryptozoology 12:58-65. CELD ID 10242.

8. Tischendorf, JW; Morse, SB. 1993-1996.

The puma in New Brunswick, Canada: A preliminary search
Cryptozoology 12:66-71. CELD ID 10243.

9. Hewkin, JA. 1993-1996.

Sasquatch investigations in the Pacific Northwest, 1993
Cryptozoology 12:72-75. CELD ID 10244.

10. Frary, N. 1993-1996.

Book review: Noah's choice: True Stories of Extinction and Survival by David Day
Cryptozoology 12:76-77. CELD ID 10245.

11. Greenwell, RJ. 1993-1996.

Book review: A Parrot with out a Name: The Search for the Last Unknown Birds on Earth by Don Stap
Cryptozoology 12:78-80. CELD ID 10246.

12. Bauer, HH. 1993-1996.

Book review: Monstrum! A Wizard's Take by Tony "Doc" Shiels
Cryptozoology 12:80-82. CELD ID 10247.

13. Debenat, J-P. 1993-1996.

Book review: Dossier X: Les Hominides Non Identifies des Forets d'Afrique [The X File: The Unidentified Hominids of the African Forests] by Jacqueline-Roumeguere-Eberhardt
Cryptozoology 12:82-87. CELD ID 10248.

14. Krantz, GS. 1993-1996.

Book review: Other origins: The Search for the Giant Ape in Human Prehistory by Russell Ciochon, John Olsen, and Jamie James
Cryptozoology 12:87-90. CELD ID 10249.

15. Lent, PC. 1993-1996.

More on muskoxen
Cryptozoology 12:91-94. CELD ID 10250.

16. Spassov, N. 1993-1996.

Asian Muskox: main purpose achieved
Cryptozoology 12:94-95. CELD ID 10251.

17. Pauwels, O; Meirte, D. 1993-1996.

The status of Cryptophidion annamense
Cryptozoology 12:95-101. CELD ID 10252.

18. Lazell, JD. 1993-1996.

Cryptophidion is not Xenopeltis
Cryptozoology 12:101-102. CELD ID 10253.

19. Wallach, V; Johns, GS. 1993-1996.

Cryptophidion is a valid taxon
Cryptozoology 12:102-113. CELD ID 10254.

20. Mackal, RP. 1993-1996.

Are lake monsters sighting times biologically or culturally based?
Cryptozoology 12:114. CELD ID 10255.

21. Kojo, Y. 1993-1996.

Resolving the problem
Cryptozoology 12:115-116. CELD ID 10256.

22. Hall, MA. 1993-1996.

Dysfunctional scientists
Cryptozoology 12:117. CELD ID 10257.

23. Bauer, AM. 1993-1996.

Applying rigorous analysis
Cryptozoology 12:117-118. CELD ID 10258.

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