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Contents of Cryptozoology 10

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1. Greenwell, JR. 1991.

Cryptozoology 10:1-3. CELD ID 10186.

2. Spassov, N. 1991.

The musk ox in Eurasia: Extinct at the Pleistocene-Holocene boundary or survivor to historical times?
Cryptozoology 10:4-15. CELD ID 10187.

3. Mayor, A. 1991.

Griffin bones: Ancient folklore and paleontology
Cryptozoology 10:16-41. CELD ID 10188.

4. Kojo, Y. 1991.

Some ecological notes on reported large, unknown animals in Lake Champlain
Cryptozoology 10:42-54. CELD ID 10189.

5. Winn, EB. 1991.

Physical and Morphological analysis of samples of fiber purported to be Sasquatch Hair
Cryptozoology 10:55-65. CELD ID 10190.

6. Miller, MEW; Miller, KE. 1991.

Further investigation into Loy's "ape" in Venezuela
Cryptozoology 10:66-71. CELD ID 10191.

7. Kirk, J. 1991.

BCSCC report on Okanagan Lake, 1991
Cryptozoology 10:72-75. CELD ID 10192.

8. Hewkin, JA. 1991.

Sasquatch investigations in the Pacific Northwest, 1991
Cryptozoology 10:76-78. CELD ID 10193.

9. Mackal, RP. 1991.

Book review: Mysterious Creatures by the editors of Time-Life Books
Cryptozoology 10:79-81. CELD ID 10194.

10. Bauer, HH. 1991.

Book review: Mystiske Dyr: En Guide til information om Soslanger, Havuhyrer, Afskyelige Snemaend og Andet Godt [Mysterious Animals: A Guide to Information on Lake-Monsters, Sea-Serpents, Snowmen, and Others] by Lars Thomas (comp.)
Cryptozoology 10:81-83. CELD ID 10195.

11. Greenwell, JR. 1991.

Book review: Prodigious Birds: Moas and Moa-hunting in Prehistoric New Zealand by Atholl Anderson
Cryptozoology 10:83-93. CELD ID 10196.

12. Bauer, AM. 1991.

Book review: The Search for Nessie in the 1980's edited by J.A. Gibson and David Heppell
Cryptozoology 10:93-98. CELD ID 10197.

13. Wall, JE. 1991.

Book review: Big Footnotes: A Comprehensive Bibliography Concerning Bigfoot, the Abominable Snowmen and Related Beings by Danny Perez (comp.)
Cryptozoology 10:98-100. CELD ID 10198.

14. Bauer, HH. 1991.

Book review: Tom Slick and the Search for the Yeti by Loren Coleman
Cryptozoology 10:100-102. CELD ID 10199.

15. Bayanov, D. 1991.

One more attempt at definition
Cryptozoology 10:103-104. CELD ID 10200.

16. Heuvelmans, B. 1991.

Other definitions, other heresies
Cryptozoology 10:104-106. CELD ID 10201.

17. Trotti, HH. 1991.

Heuvelmans, Eliade, and the "native-known"
Cryptozoology 10:107-111. CELD ID 10202.

18. Sumerlin, W. 1991.

Mill Creek tracks defended
Cryptozoology 10:111-113. CELD ID 10203.

19. Hewkin, JA. 1991.

Mill Creek: Investigation discrepencies
Cryptozoology 10:114-115. CELD ID 10204.

20. Hall, MA. 1991.

Beyond Scientific Journals
Cryptozoology 10:115-116. CELD ID 10205.

21. Capparella, AP. 1991.

Cooperation: A key to progress in cryptozoology
Cryptozoology 10:116-117. CELD ID 10206.

22. Fuller, E. 1991.

Leguat's writings not spurious
Cryptozoology 10:117-119. CELD ID 10207.

23. Greenwell, JR. 1991.

Stanley and the okapi
Cryptozoology 10:119-120. CELD ID 10208.

24. Sehm, GG. 1991.

Persepolis Bluebuck out of the blue
Cryptozoology 10:121-124. CELD ID 10209.

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