1. Greenwell, JR. 1991. EditorialCryptozoology 10:1-3. CELD ID 10186.
2. Spassov, N. 1991. The musk ox in Eurasia: Extinct at the Pleistocene-Holocene boundary or survivor to historical times?Cryptozoology 10:4-15. CELD ID 10187.
The musk ox in Eurasia: Extinct at the Pleistocene-Holocene boundary or survivor to historical times?
3. Mayor, A. 1991. Griffin bones: Ancient folklore and paleontologyCryptozoology 10:16-41. CELD ID 10188.
Griffin bones: Ancient folklore and paleontology
4. Kojo, Y. 1991. Some ecological notes on reported large, unknown animals in Lake ChamplainCryptozoology 10:42-54. CELD ID 10189.
Some ecological notes on reported large, unknown animals in Lake Champlain
5. Winn, EB. 1991. Physical and Morphological analysis of samples of fiber purported to be Sasquatch HairCryptozoology 10:55-65. CELD ID 10190.
Physical and Morphological analysis of samples of fiber purported to be Sasquatch Hair
6. Miller, MEW; Miller, KE. 1991. Further investigation into Loy's "ape" in VenezuelaCryptozoology 10:66-71. CELD ID 10191.
Further investigation into Loy's "ape" in Venezuela
7. Kirk, J. 1991. BCSCC report on Okanagan Lake, 1991Cryptozoology 10:72-75. CELD ID 10192.
BCSCC report on Okanagan Lake, 1991
8. Hewkin, JA. 1991. Sasquatch investigations in the Pacific Northwest, 1991Cryptozoology 10:76-78. CELD ID 10193.
Sasquatch investigations in the Pacific Northwest, 1991
9. Mackal, RP. 1991. Book review: Mysterious Creatures by the editors of Time-Life BooksCryptozoology 10:79-81. CELD ID 10194.
Book review: Mysterious Creatures by the editors of Time-Life Books
10. Bauer, HH. 1991. Book review: Mystiske Dyr: En Guide til information om Soslanger, Havuhyrer, Afskyelige Snemaend og Andet Godt [Mysterious Animals: A Guide to Information on Lake-Monsters, Sea-Serpents, Snowmen, and Others] by Lars Thomas (comp.)Cryptozoology 10:81-83. CELD ID 10195.
Book review: Mystiske Dyr: En Guide til information om Soslanger, Havuhyrer, Afskyelige Snemaend og Andet Godt [Mysterious Animals: A Guide to Information on Lake-Monsters, Sea-Serpents, Snowmen, and Others] by Lars Thomas (comp.)
11. Greenwell, JR. 1991. Book review: Prodigious Birds: Moas and Moa-hunting in Prehistoric New Zealand by Atholl AndersonCryptozoology 10:83-93. CELD ID 10196.
Book review: Prodigious Birds: Moas and Moa-hunting in Prehistoric New Zealand by Atholl Anderson
12. Bauer, AM. 1991. Book review: The Search for Nessie in the 1980's edited by J.A. Gibson and David HeppellCryptozoology 10:93-98. CELD ID 10197.
Book review: The Search for Nessie in the 1980's edited by J.A. Gibson and David Heppell
13. Wall, JE. 1991. Book review: Big Footnotes: A Comprehensive Bibliography Concerning Bigfoot, the Abominable Snowmen and Related Beings by Danny Perez (comp.)Cryptozoology 10:98-100. CELD ID 10198.
Book review: Big Footnotes: A Comprehensive Bibliography Concerning Bigfoot, the Abominable Snowmen and Related Beings by Danny Perez (comp.)
14. Bauer, HH. 1991. Book review: Tom Slick and the Search for the Yeti by Loren ColemanCryptozoology 10:100-102. CELD ID 10199.
Book review: Tom Slick and the Search for the Yeti by Loren Coleman
15. Bayanov, D. 1991. One more attempt at definitionCryptozoology 10:103-104. CELD ID 10200.
One more attempt at definition
16. Heuvelmans, B. 1991. Other definitions, other heresiesCryptozoology 10:104-106. CELD ID 10201.
Other definitions, other heresies
17. Trotti, HH. 1991. Heuvelmans, Eliade, and the "native-known"Cryptozoology 10:107-111. CELD ID 10202.
Heuvelmans, Eliade, and the "native-known"
18. Sumerlin, W. 1991. Mill Creek tracks defendedCryptozoology 10:111-113. CELD ID 10203.
Mill Creek tracks defended
19. Hewkin, JA. 1991. Mill Creek: Investigation discrepenciesCryptozoology 10:114-115. CELD ID 10204.
Mill Creek: Investigation discrepencies
20. Hall, MA. 1991. Beyond Scientific JournalsCryptozoology 10:115-116. CELD ID 10205.
Beyond Scientific Journals
21. Capparella, AP. 1991. Cooperation: A key to progress in cryptozoologyCryptozoology 10:116-117. CELD ID 10206.
Cooperation: A key to progress in cryptozoology
22. Fuller, E. 1991. Leguat's writings not spuriousCryptozoology 10:117-119. CELD ID 10207.
Leguat's writings not spurious
23. Greenwell, JR. 1991. Stanley and the okapiCryptozoology 10:119-120. CELD ID 10208.
Stanley and the okapi
24. Sehm, GG. 1991. Persepolis Bluebuck out of the blueCryptozoology 10:121-124. CELD ID 10209.
Persepolis Bluebuck out of the blue