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Contents of Cryptozoology 1

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1. Heuvelmans, B. 1982.

What is cryptozoology?
Cryptozoology 1:1-12. CELD ID 8880.

2. Guoxing, Z. 1982.

The status of wildman research in China
Cryptozoology 1:13-23. CELD ID 8881.

3. Rines, RH. 1982.

Summarizing a decade of underwater studies at Loch Ness
Cryptozoology 1:24-32. CELD ID 8882.

4. Wagner, R. 1982.

The RI-Unidentified aquatic animals of New Ireland, Papua New Guinea
Cryptozoology 1:33-39. CELD ID 8883.

5. Bauer, HH. 1982.

The Loch Ness monster: Public perceptions and the evidence
Cryptozoology 1:40-45. CELD ID 8884.

6. Bayanov, D. 1982.

A note on folklore in hominology
Cryptozoology 1:46-48. CELD ID 8885.

7. Weber, CW; Berry, JW; Greenwell, JR. 1982.

Mokele-mbembe: proximate analysis of its supposed food source
Cryptozoology 1:49-53. CELD ID 8886.

8. LeBlond, PH. 1982.

An estimate of the dimensions of the Lake Champlain monster from the length of adjacent wind waves in the Mansi photograph
Cryptozoology 1:54-61. CELD ID 8887.

9. Mackal, RP; Greenwell, JR; Wilkinson, MJ. 1982.

The search for evidence of Mokele-mbembe in the People's Republic of the Congo
Cryptozoology 1:62-72. CELD ID 8888.

10. Zarzynski, JW. 1982.

LCPI work at Lake Champlain: 1982
Cryptozoology 1:73-77. CELD ID 8889.

11. Zarzynski, JW; Meaney, MP. 1982.

Investigations at Loch Ness and seven other freshwater Scottish lakes
Cryptozoology 1:78-82. CELD ID 8890.

12. Trape, J-F. 1982.

Book Review: Les Derniers Dragons d'Afrique [The Last Dragons of Africa]
Cryptozoology 1:83-84. CELD ID 8891.

13. Zug, GR. 1982.

Book Review: Searching for Hidden Animals: An Inquiry Into Zoological Mysteries
Cryptozoology 1:84-85. CELD ID 8892.

14. Reed, CA. 1982.

Book Review: Sasquatch: The Apes Among Us
Cryptozoology 1:85-88. CELD ID 8893.

15. Wood, FG. 1982.

Book Review: Sasquatch Apparitions: A Critique on the Pacific Northwest Hominoids
Cryptozoology 1:88-90. CELD ID 8894.

16. Markotic, V. 1982.

Book Review: The Scientist Looks at the Sasquatch (II)
Cryptozoology 1:91-92. CELD ID 8895.

17. Westrum, R. 1982.

Book Review: Bigfoot: A Personal Inquiry Into a Phenomenon
Cryptozoology 1:92-94. CELD ID 8896.

18. Krantz, GS. 1982.

Book Review: Manlike Monsters on Trial: Early Records and Modern Evidence
Cryptozoology 1:94-100. CELD ID 8897.

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