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Contents of Connections 8(3)

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1. Ross, H. 2006.

Most Detailed Map of Cosmic Background Radiation Confirms Biblical Creation Model
Connections 8(3):2-3. CELD ID 20642.

2. Rana, FR. 2006.

Biochemists Ask, "How Low Can Life Go?"
Connections 8(3):5. CELD ID 20643.

3. Samples, KR. 2006.

What Makes the Christian God Unique?
Connections 8(3):6-7. CELD ID 20644.

4. Samples, K. 2006.

A Memorial Tribute to Ronald H. Nash (1936-2006)
Connections 8(3):. CELD ID 20645.

5. Zweerink, J. 2006.

Big Collision, Beautiful Moon
Connections 8(3):4. CELD ID 20646.

6. Rogstad, DH. 2006.

A "House of Cards" Gets a Foundation
Connections 8(3):8. CELD ID 20647.

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