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Contents of Connections 8(1)

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1. Ross, H. 2006.

Why the universe is the way it is
Connections 8(1):2-3. CELD ID 19109.

2. Zweerink, J. 2006.

Mars looking drier all the time
Connections 8(1):4. CELD ID 19110.

3. Rana, F. 2006.

First chimpanzee fossils cause problems for evolution
Connections 8(1):5. CELD ID 19111.

4. Samples, KR. 2006.

How humans differ from animals
Connections 8(1):6-7. CELD ID 19112.

5. Rogstad, DH. 2006.

What if there were no hurricanes?
Connections 8(1):8. CELD ID 19113.

6. Ross, H. 2006.

Why the Universe Is the Way It Is
Connections 8(1):2-3. CELD ID 20633.

7. Zweerink, J. 2006.

Mars Looking Drier All the Time
Connections 8(1):4. CELD ID 20634.

8. Rana, FR. 2006.

First Chimpanzee Fossils Cause Problems for Evolution
Connections 8(1):5. CELD ID 20635.

9. Samples, KR. 2006.

How Humans Differ from Animals
Connections 8(1):6-7. CELD ID 20636.

10. Rogstad, DH. 2006.

What If There Were No Hurricanes?
Connections 8(1):8. CELD ID 20637.

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