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Contents of Connections 5(2)

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1. Rana, FR. 2003.

Diseases follow human origin and spread
Connections 5(2):1,9. CELD ID 19051.

2. Ross, H. 2003.

Why we do what we do
Connections 5(2):2. CELD ID 19052.

3. Ross, H. 2003.

Big bang passes big test
Connections 5(2):2-3. CELD ID 19053.

4. Namahoe, J. 2003.

Raelians, UFOs, RTB courses, and more
Connections 5(2):3. CELD ID 19054.

5. Samples, KR. 2003.

Keeping your thinking on track
Connections 5(2):4. CELD ID 19055.

6. Ross, H. 2003.

Speed of gravity measured, scripture validated
Connections 5(2):4-5. CELD ID 19056.

7. Aguirre, J. 2003.

"Daddy, that fire truck is broken"
Connections 5(2):5. CELD ID 19057.

8. Ross, H. 2003.

WMAP offers spectacular proofs of creation event
Connections 5(2):6-7. CELD ID 19058.

9. Inboden, E. 2003.

RTB's impact felt
Connections 5(2):7. CELD ID 19059.

10. Stearns, J. 2003.

Letters from our readers
Connections 5(2):7. CELD ID 19060.

11. Rana, FR. 2003.

Neanderthal-to-human link severed
Connections 5(2):8-9. CELD ID 19061.

12. Ross, K. 2003.

Life lessons from dad
Connections 5(2):10. CELD ID 19062.

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