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Contents of Connections 3(1)

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1. Ross, H. 2001.

New evidence for life's rapid origin
Connections 3(1):1. CELD ID 5602.

2. Ross, H. 2001.

President's Laptop
Connections 3(1):2. CELD ID 5603.

3. Rana, F. 2001.

Protein structures reveal more evidence for design
Connections 3(1):2. CELD ID 5604.

4. Ross, H. 2001.

Timely appearance of land life benefits humans
Connections 3(1):3. CELD ID 5605.

5. Ross, K. 2001.

Field Report
Connections 3(1):3. CELD ID 5606.

6. Ross, H. 2001.

Bacteria help prepare earth for life
Connections 3(1):4. CELD ID 5607.

7. Madeira, D. 2001.

Charitable trust: a tool for receiving and giving
Connections 3(1):5. CELD ID 5608.

8. Ross, K. 2001.

Walking on Water
Connections 3(1):6. CELD ID 5609.

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