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Contents of Connections 2(4)

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1. Ross, H. 2000.

Fundamental forces show greater fine-tuning
Connections 2(4):1. CELD ID 5594.

2. Rana, FR. 2000.

Feathered dinosaur or flightless bird
Connections 2(4):2. CELD ID 5595.

3. Ross, H. 2000.

Cosmic acceleration narrows life's time window
Connections 2(4):2-3. CELD ID 5596.

4. Rana, FR. 2000.

Y chromosome analysis confirms biblical account of Jewish and Arabic origins
Connections 2(4):3-4. CELD ID 5597.

5. Ross, K. 2000.

Field Report
Connections 2(4):4. CELD ID 5598.

6. Madeira, D. 2000.

Improving tax benefits from donations
Connections 2(4):5. CELD ID 5599.

7. Ross, K. 2000.

When God says "No"
Connections 2(4):6. CELD ID 5600.

8. Ross, H. 2000.

President's Laptop
Connections 2(4):6. CELD ID 5601.

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