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Contents of Connections 10(3)

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1. Rana, F. 2008.

iDNA: The next generation of iPods?
Connections 10(3):2-3. CELD ID 22115.

2. Ross, H. 2008.

Humpback whale fins: Fresh evidence for design
Connections 10(3):4. CELD ID 22116.

3. Zweerink, J. 2008.

Earth's deep, life sustaining oxygen reservoir
Connections 10(3):5. CELD ID 22117.

4. Samples, KR. 2008.

God and genocide
Connections 10(3):6-7. CELD ID 22118.

5. Rogstad, DH. 2008.

A new telescope "almost" in space
Connections 10(3):8. CELD ID 22119.

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