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Contents of Creation Science Dialogue 32(2)

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1. Moxie. 2005.

Let's celebrate Cassini
CS Dialogue 32(2):1,6. CELD ID 19963.

2. Derksen, L. 2005.

Creation diary
CS Dialogue 32(2):1,7. CELD ID 19964.

3. Anonymous. 2005.

Famous landscape fun to find
CS Dialogue 32(2):2,7. CELD ID 19965.

4. Helder, M; Bain, T. 2005.

Book review: Frozen in Time
CS Dialogue 32(2):3. CELD ID 19966.

5. Helder, M; Bain, T. 2005.

Book review: Something from Nothing
CS Dialogue 32(2):3. CELD ID 19967.

6. Helder, M; Bain, T. 2005.

Book review: Dinosaurs Unleashed
CS Dialogue 32(2):3. CELD ID 19968.

7. Helder, M. 2005.

Box jellyfish: not dainty delights
CS Dialogue 32(2):4-5. CELD ID 19969.

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