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Contents of Creation Science Dialogue 10(2)

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1. Anonymous. 1983.

Editor's column
CS Dialogue 10(2):2. CELD ID 13165.

2. Anonymous. 1983.

Classroom changed four times to accommodate crowds
CS Dialogue 10(2):3. CELD ID 13166.

3. Ronaldson, K. 1983.

Calculating chrysanthemums
CS Dialogue 10(2):4. CELD ID 13167.

4. Anonymous. 1983.

Sex: all or nothing systems in water molds
CS Dialogue 10(2):5. CELD ID 13168.

5. Breitkreuz, J. 1983.

Evolution: fact or fallacy?
CS Dialogue 10(2):6. CELD ID 13169.

6. Anonymous. 1983.

Profiles John Neufeld: educator of educators
CS Dialogue 10(2):7. CELD ID 13170.

7. Anonymous. 1983.

Successful tour
CS Dialogue 10(2):7. CELD ID 13171.

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