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Contents of Creation Science Dialogue 28(1)

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1. Anonymous. 2001.

Good news in review
CS Dialogue 28(1):2. CELD ID 14557.

2. Masters, MJ. 2001.

So NEAR yet so far
CS Dialogue 28(1):3. CELD ID 14558.

3. Helder, M. 2001.

Human genome what does it all mean?
CS Dialogue 28(1):4-5. CELD ID 14559.

4. Moxie. 2001.

You too can enjoy fruit flies!
CS Dialogue 28(1):6. CELD ID 14560.

5. Moxie. 2001.

Smart weeds
CS Dialogue 28(1):7. CELD ID 14561.

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