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Contents of Creation Science Dialogue 13(4)

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1. Anonymous. 1986.

CS Dialogue 13(4):2. CELD ID 13269.

2. Anonymous. 1986.

Wilder-Smith talks to capacity crowd in Edmonton
CS Dialogue 13(4):3. CELD ID 13270.

3. Helder, M. 1986.

Orchids: outfoxing the fungi
CS Dialogue 13(4):4. CELD ID 13271.

4. Anonymous. 1986.

Highly successful tour 1986
CS Dialogue 13(4):5. CELD ID 13272.

5. Dye, B. 1986.

Book review: It's a Young World After All
CS Dialogue 13(4):6. CELD ID 13273.

6. Anonymous. 1986.

Counting the cost
CS Dialogue 13(4):7. CELD ID 13274.

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