1. Strickling, JE. 1972. A Statistical Analysis Of Flood LegendsCRSQ 9(3):152-155. CELD ID 2428.
A Statistical Analysis Of Flood Legends
2. Howe, GF. 1972. The Cap Thrower FungusCRSQ 9(3):172-175. CELD ID 2429.
The Cap Thrower Fungus
3. Shaw, RD. 1972. Why genetic variation between New Guinea communities? (Migration - Dispersion Model Applied)CRSQ 9(3):175-180. CELD ID 2430.
Why genetic variation between New Guinea communities? (Migration - Dispersion Model Applied)
4. Keithley, WE. 1972. Guard cells, stomata, and design in plantsCRSQ 9(3):151. CELD ID 4542.
Guard cells, stomata, and design in plants
5. White, AJ. 1972. Radio carbon datingCRSQ 9(3):155-158. CELD ID 4543.
Radio carbon dating
6. Moore, JN. 1972. On chromosomes, mutations, and phylogenyCRSQ 9(3):159-171. CELD ID 4544.
On chromosomes, mutations, and phylogeny
7. Wiant, HV. 1972. A philosophical note on creationismCRSQ 9(3):171,198. CELD ID 4545.
A philosophical note on creationism
8. Armstrong, H. 1972. Comments on scientific news and viewsCRSQ 9(3):181-183. CELD ID 4546.
Comments on scientific news and views
9. Gatewood, O. 1972. Article Review: "Love Song of the Fruit Fly"CRSQ 9(3):184-185. CELD ID 4547.
Article Review: "Love Song of the Fruit Fly"
10. Springstead, W. 1972. Article Review: "The Scientist as Shaman"CRSQ 9(3):186. CELD ID 4548.
Article Review: "The Scientist as Shaman"
11. Butler, L. 1972. Book Review: Darwin RetriedCRSQ 9(3):187-188. CELD ID 4549.
Book Review: Darwin Retried
12. Butler, L. 1972. Book Review: Evolution or Creation?CRSQ 9(3):188-189. CELD ID 4550.
Book Review: Evolution or Creation?
13. Armstrong, H. 1972. Book Review: Science is GodCRSQ 9(3):189-190. CELD ID 4551.
Book Review: Science is God
14. Armstrong, H. 1972. Book Review: The Survival of the UnfitCRSQ 9(3):190-191. CELD ID 4552.
Book Review: The Survival of the Unfit
15. Armstrong, H. 1972. Book Review: A Symposium on Creation IIICRSQ 9(3):191-192. CELD ID 4553.
Book Review: A Symposium on Creation III
16. Ingram, TR. 1972. Book Review: I Believe Because ... A Study of the Evidence Christian FaithCRSQ 9(3):192-193. CELD ID 4554.
Book Review: I Believe Because ... A Study of the Evidence Christian Faith
17. Robbins, JW. 1972. Book Review: Darwin Retried: An Appeal to ReasonCRSQ 9(3):193-194. CELD ID 4555.
Book Review: Darwin Retried: An Appeal to Reason
18. Burdick, CL. 1972. Book Review: Report on EvolutionCRSQ 9(3):194-196. CELD ID 4556.
Book Review: Report on Evolution
19. Armstrong, H. 1972. Book Review: History of the Earth's Magnetic FieldCRSQ 9(3):196. CELD ID 4557.
Book Review: History of the Earth's Magnetic Field
20. Brauer, OL. 1972. Necessary time for stalactite formationCRSQ 9(3):197. CELD ID 4558.
Necessary time for stalactite formation
21. Custance, AC. 1972. Answer to a letterCRSQ 9(3):97-98. CELD ID 4559.
Answer to a letter