1. Holroyd, HB. 1972. Darwinism Is Physical And Mathematical NonsenseCRSQ 9(1):5-13. CELD ID 2415.
Darwinism Is Physical And Mathematical Nonsense
2. Klotz, JW. 1972. Flora And Fauna Of The Galapagos IslandsCRSQ 9(1):14-22. CELD ID 2416.
Flora And Fauna Of The Galapagos Islands
3. Burdick, CL. 1972. Progress report on Grand Canyon palynologyCRSQ 9(1):25-30. CELD ID 2417.
Progress report on Grand Canyon palynology
4. White, AJ. 1972. Uniformitarianism, Probability And EvolutionCRSQ 9(1):32-37. CELD ID 2418.
Uniformitarianism, Probability And Evolution
5. Brauer, OL. 1972. Biological oddities that are unaccountable by evolutionCRSQ 9(1):41-44. CELD ID 2419.
Biological oddities that are unaccountable by evolution
6. Barnes, TG. 1972. Young age vs. geologic age of the earth's magnetic fieldCRSQ 9(1):47-50. CELD ID 2420.
Young age vs. geologic age of the earth's magnetic field
7. Jones, AJ. 1972. A general analysis of the Biblical "kind" (min)CRSQ 9(1):53-57. CELD ID 2421.
A general analysis of the Biblical "kind" (min)
8. Erpenstein, OM. 1972. Could there be life on other planets of the solar systemCRSQ 9(1):58-63. CELD ID 2422.
Could there be life on other planets of the solar system
9. Slusher, HS. 1972. Thomas G. BarnesCRSQ 9(1):3-4. CELD ID 4505.
Thomas G. Barnes
10. Anonymous. 1972. Special announcementCRSQ 9(1):4. CELD ID 4506.
Special announcement
11. Keithley, WE. 1972. A quail: Corturnix corturnixCRSQ 9(1):13. CELD ID 4507.
A quail: Corturnix corturnix
12. Nicholls, J. 1972. Bacterium E. coli vs. evolutionCRSQ 9(1):23-24. CELD ID 4508.
Bacterium E. coli vs. evolution
13. Mennega, A. 1972. A Christian biologist's reflections on the scientific methodCRSQ 9(1):30-31. CELD ID 4509.
A Christian biologist's reflections on the scientific method
14. Henning, WL. 1972. The twig girdler's instinctive behaviorCRSQ 9(1):37. CELD ID 4510.
The twig girdler's instinctive behavior
15. Turner, CEA. 1972. Teleology: Purpose everywhereCRSQ 9(1):38-40. CELD ID 4511.
Teleology: Purpose everywhere
16. Tinkle, WJ. 1972. Is nature cruel?CRSQ 9(1):44-46. CELD ID 4512.
Is nature cruel?
17. Anonymous. 1972. New Book Announcement: Creation, Evolution, and God's WordCRSQ 9(1):46. CELD ID 4513.
New Book Announcement: Creation, Evolution, and God's Word
18. Howitt, JR. 1972. Some observations on the science of nutrition in the light of the ScripturesCRSQ 9(1):51-53. CELD ID 4514.
Some observations on the science of nutrition in the light of the Scriptures
19. Chesnut, DL. 1972. Nuclear scientists unwittingly support creationismCRSQ 9(1):64-66. CELD ID 4515.
Nuclear scientists unwittingly support creationism
20. Morris, HM. 1972. Preliminary report on Board of Directors meetingCRSQ 9(1):67. CELD ID 4516.
Preliminary report on Board of Directors meeting
21. Hefferlin, R. 1972. A mathematical formulation of a creationist-flood interpretation of radiocarbon datingCRSQ 9(1):68-71. CELD ID 4517.
A mathematical formulation of a creationist-flood interpretation of radiocarbon dating
22. Armstrong, H. 1972. Comments on scientific news and viewsCRSQ 9(1):71-75. CELD ID 4518.
Comments on scientific news and views
23. Watson, DCC. 1972. Book Review: Megalithic sites in BritainCRSQ 9(1):76-77. CELD ID 4519.
Book Review: Megalithic sites in Britain
24. Watson, DCC. 1972. Book Review: Darwin and the BeagleCRSQ 9(1):77-78. CELD ID 4520.
Book Review: Darwin and the Beagle
25. Howe, GF. 1972. Book Review: Gists from AgassizCRSQ 9(1):78-79. CELD ID 4521.
Book Review: Gists from Agassiz
26. Howe, GF. 1972. Filmstrip Review: "The Origin of the Solar System"CRSQ 9(1):80. CELD ID 4522.
Filmstrip Review: "The Origin of the Solar System"
27. Howe, GF. 1972. Filmstrip Review: "The Necessity of Creationism"CRSQ 9(1):80-82. CELD ID 4523.
Filmstrip Review: "The Necessity of Creationism"
28. Howe, GF. 1972. Filmstrip Review: "Cataclysm from Space, 2800 B.C."CRSQ 9(1):82-84. CELD ID 4524.
Filmstrip Review: "Cataclysm from Space, 2800 B.C."
29. Watson, DCC. 1972. Letter to the editorCRSQ 9(1):84. CELD ID 4525.
Letter to the editor
30. Harris, R. 1972. Letter to the editorCRSQ 9(1):84. CELD ID 4526.
31. Anonymous. 1972. Creationistic outreach in CeylonCRSQ 9(1):85. CELD ID 4527.
Creationistic outreach in Ceylon
32. Miller, H. 1972. Section 910 - Etiological theoryCRSQ 9(1):85. CELD ID 4528.
Section 910 - Etiological theory
33. Anonymous. 1972. Institute for Creation Research Established at Christian Heritage CollegeCRSQ 9(1):87. CELD ID 4529.
Institute for Creation Research Established at Christian Heritage College