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Contents of Creation Research Society Quarterly 55(3)

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1. Lightner, JK; Cserhati, M. 2019.

eKINDS Project Paper: The Uniqueness of Humans Is Clearly Demonstrated by the Gene-Content Stastical Baraminology Method
CRSQ 55(3):132-141. CELD ID 28910.

2. Oard, MJ. 2019.

Is the Alboran Basin, Western Mediterranean, and Impact Crater? Part I: Kinematics
CRSQ 55(3):142-154. CELD ID 28911.

3. Locklair, G. 2019.

Minutes of the 2018 Creation Research Society Board of Directors Meeting
CRSQ 55(3):155-156. CELD ID 28912.

4. Rinehart, L. 2019.

Letters to the Editor: Philosphical Considerations on Biblical Creation Science
CRSQ 55(3):157. CELD ID 28913.

5. Pech, D. 2019.

Letters to the Editor: Did Adam and Eve Converse with God in Their Respective First Hours?
CRSQ 55(3):158-159. CELD ID 28914.

6. Pushchin, A. 2019.

Letters to the Editor: On the "Waters Above"
CRSQ 55(3):160. CELD ID 28915.

7. Cserhati, M. 2019.

Letters to the Editor: How Do Men Come to Faith via Apologetics? A Response to Steven Chisham
CRSQ 55(3):161-162. CELD ID 28916.

8. Chisham, S. 2019.

Letters to the Editor: A Response to Matthew Cserhati: Finitude Necessitates Worldview
CRSQ 55(3):163-165. CELD ID 28917.

9. Bergman, J. 2019.

Media Reviews: Adam, Where Are You? And Wny It Matters?
CRSQ 55(3):166-167. CELD ID 28918.

10. Bergman, J. 2019.

Media Reviews: Speak Freely: Why Universities Must Defend Free Speech
CRSQ 55(3):167-168. CELD ID 28919.

11. DeYoung, D. 2019.

Media Reviews: Genesis 1-11
CRSQ 55(3):169. CELD ID 28920.

12. DeYoung, D. 2019.

Media Reviews: Understanding Scientific Theories of Origins
CRSQ 55(3):170. CELD ID 28921.

13. Bergman, J. 2019.

Media Reviews: Breif Answers to the Big Questions
CRSQ 55(3):171-172. CELD ID 28922.

14. Bergman, J. 2019.

Media Reviews: Unbelievable: 7 Myths About the History and Future of Science and Religion
CRSQ 55(3):173-174. CELD ID 28923.

15. Bergman, J. 2019.

Media Reviews: Spectacle: The Astonishing Life of Ota Benga
CRSQ 55(3):175-178. CELD ID 28924.

16. Bergman, J. 2019.

Media Reviews: Monkey in the Middle: The Real History of the Scopes Monkey Trial
CRSQ 55(3):178-179. CELD ID 28925.

17. DeYoung, DB. 2019.

Media Reviews: Mere Science and Christian Faith
CRSQ 55(3):180. CELD ID 28926.

18. Bergman, J. 2019.

Media Reviews: Free Speech on Campus
CRSQ 55(3):181. CELD ID 28927.

19. Hughes, JR. 2019.

Media Reviews: Darwin Devolves: The New Science About DNA That Challenges Evolution
CRSQ 55(3):182-183. CELD ID 28928.

20. Olson, RS. 2019.

Media Reviews: Poor Design: An Invalid Argument Against Intelligent Design
CRSQ 55(3):184-185. CELD ID 28929.

21. Bergman, J. 2019.

Media Reviews: Atheism for Dummies
CRSQ 55(3):185-186. CELD ID 28930.

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