1. Anderson, K. 2013. Thor's HammerCRSQ 49(4):260-264. CELD ID 25775.
Thor's Hammer
2. Brown, R; Kline, O; Isaacs, D; Cuozzo, J. 2013. A Partial Mandible in the Stomach Contents of a Tyrannosaurus rexCRSQ 49(4):265-280. CELD ID 25776.
A Partial Mandible in the Stomach Contents of a Tyrannosaurus rex
3. DeYoung, DB. 2013. A Survey of LightningCRSQ 49(4):281-286. CELD ID 25777.
A Survey of Lightning
4. Juby, I. 2013. Massive Mountain Planation of the Eastern Canadian SeaboardCRSQ 49(4):287-295. CELD ID 25778.
Massive Mountain Planation of the Eastern Canadian Seaboard
5. Enyart, B. 2013. Dobzhansky: 40 Years Later Nothing Makes SenseCRSQ 49(4):296-307. CELD ID 25779.
Dobzhansky: 40 Years Later Nothing Makes Sense
6. Bergman, J. 2013. The Origins and Genetic Functions of PseudogenesCRSQ 49(4):308-318. CELD ID 25780.
The Origins and Genetic Functions of Pseudogenes
7. Humphreys, DR. 2013. Critics of RATE Overlook Its ResultsCRSQ 49(4):319-323. CELD ID 25781.
Critics of RATE Overlook Its Results
8. Froede, CR; Akridge, JA. 2013. Authors' Response: Science, Theory, History, and MiraclesCRSQ 49(4):323-331. CELD ID 25782.
Authors' Response: Science, Theory, History, and Miracles
9. Lindauer, D. 2013. RATE's Practical ApplicationCRSQ 49(4):332. CELD ID 25783.
RATE's Practical Application
10. Froede, CR; Akridge, JA. 2013. Authors' ResponseCRSQ 49(4):332-334. CELD ID 25784.
Authors' Response
11. Brown, C. 2013. The Origin of BirdsCRSQ 49(4):335. CELD ID 25785.
The Origin of Birds
12. Brown, C. 2013. The Origin of Life Needs a CreatorCRSQ 49(4):335. CELD ID 25786.
The Origin of Life Needs a Creator
13. DeYoung, DB. 2013. Book review: Einstein-A LifeCRSQ 49(4):336. CELD ID 25787.
Book review: Einstein-A Life
14. Bergman, J. 2013. Book review: The Trumpet Vine a NovelCRSQ 49(4):337. CELD ID 25788.
Book review: The Trumpet Vine a Novel
15. Lattimer, RP. 2013. Book review: Science Set Free: 10 Paths to New DiscoveryCRSQ 49(4):338-339. CELD ID 25789.
Book review: Science Set Free: 10 Paths to New Discovery
16. White, R. 2013. Book review: The Magician's TwinCRSQ 49(4):340-341. CELD ID 25790.
Book review: The Magician's Twin
17. DeYoung, DB. 2013. Book review: Made in HeavenCRSQ 49(4):341. CELD ID 25791.
Book review: Made in Heaven
18. Ensign, D. 2013. Book review: Giants against EvolutionCRSQ 49(4):342-343. CELD ID 25792.
Book review: Giants against Evolution
19. Ensign, D. 2013. Book review: T is for T. RexCRSQ 49(4):343. CELD ID 25793.
Book review: T is for T. Rex
20. Oberpriller, D. 2013. Book review: Hitler and the Nazi Darwinian Worldview: How the Nazi Eugenic Crusade for a Superior Race Cause the Greatest Holocaust in World HistoryCRSQ 49(4):344-345. CELD ID 25794.
Book review: Hitler and the Nazi Darwinian Worldview: How the Nazi Eugenic Crusade for a Superior Race Cause the Greatest Holocaust in World History
21. Olson, RS. 2013. Book review: Captured in Atlantis: Bound Together: A Time Twins AdventureCRSQ 49(4):346. CELD ID 25795.
Book review: Captured in Atlantis: Bound Together: A Time Twins Adventure