1. Anderson, K. 2008. One hand clappingCRSQ 45(1):1-4. CELD ID 22701.
One hand clapping
2. Miller, H. 2008. Book review: Evolution and Other Fairy TalesCRSQ 45(1):4-5. CELD ID 22702.
Book review: Evolution and Other Fairy Tales
3. Reed, JK. 2008. Toppling the timescale part III: madness in the methodsCRSQ 45(1):6-17. CELD ID 22703.
Toppling the timescale part III: madness in the methods
4. DeYoung, D. 2008. Book review: The Six Days of GenesisCRSQ 45(1):17. CELD ID 22704.
Book review: The Six Days of Genesis
5. Powell, JR. 2008. Unification of fundamental forces at high radiation temperature in the creator, "the consuming fire"CRSQ 45(1):18-23. CELD ID 22705.
Unification of fundamental forces at high radiation temperature in the creator, "the consuming fire"
6. Frair, W. 2008. Book review: The Design of Life: Discovering Signs of Intelligence in Biological SystemsCRSQ 45(1):23. CELD ID 22706.
Book review: The Design of Life: Discovering Signs of Intelligence in Biological Systems
7. Oard, M; Froede, C. 2008. Where is the pre-Flood/Flood boundary?CRSQ 45(1):24-39. CELD ID 22707.
Where is the pre-Flood/Flood boundary?
8. Hung, CY. 2008. A realistic simulation model for uranium series geochronological datingCRSQ 45(1):40-52. CELD ID 22708.
A realistic simulation model for uranium series geochronological dating
9. Johnson, G. 2008. Book review: The Cycle of Cosmic CatastrophesCRSQ 45(1):53. CELD ID 22709.
Book review: The Cycle of Cosmic Catastrophes
10. Armitage, MH. 2008. Diamonds are a world's best mendCRSQ 45(1):54-59. CELD ID 22710.
Diamonds are a world's best mend
11. Froede, CR; Williams, EL. 2008. Calcium carbonite glaebules: paleosol indicators or groundwater-derived features?CRSQ 45(1):60-65. CELD ID 22711.
Calcium carbonite glaebules: paleosol indicators or groundwater-derived features?
12. Kaufmann, DA. 2008. Book review: Evolution: The Shadow of CreationCRSQ 45(1):65. CELD ID 22712.
Book review: Evolution: The Shadow of Creation
13. Armitage, MH. 2008. God saw that the light was good: light production in Photinus pyralisCRSQ 45(1):66-71. CELD ID 22713.
God saw that the light was good: light production in Photinus pyralis
14. Brown, C. 2008. The brain of Archaeopteryx and the flight muscles of ProtoavisCRSQ 45(1):71. CELD ID 22714.
The brain of Archaeopteryx and the flight muscles of Protoavis
15. Brown, RH. 2008. Dependency of radioisotope age on geologic historyCRSQ 45(1):72. CELD ID 22715.
Dependency of radioisotope age on geologic history