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Contents of Creation Research Society Quarterly 41(2)

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1. Barnhart, WR. 2004.

Dinosaur nests reinterpreted: evidence of eggs being laid directly into rising water under conditions of stress
CRSQ 41(2):89-102. CELD ID 18767.

2. DeYoung, DB. 2004.

Book review: Miracles
CRSQ 41(2):102. CELD ID 18768.

3. Frair, W. 2004.

Book review: Darwinism Under the Microscope
CRSQ 41(2):103. CELD ID 18769.

4. Rotta, RB. 2004.

Evolutionary explanations for anomalous radiocarbon in coal?
CRSQ 41(2):104-112. CELD ID 18770.

5. Ensign, D. 2004.

Book review: A Skeptic's Search for God
CRSQ 41(2):112. CELD ID 18771.

6. Thompson, B; Harrub, B. 2004.

Consciousness: the king of evolutionary problems
CRSQ 41(2):113-130. CELD ID 18772.

7. Thompson, B; Harrub, B. 2004.

The origin of consciousness
CRSQ 41(2):131-155. CELD ID 18773.

8. Reed, JK. 2004.

The geology of the Oklahoma basement
CRSQ 41(2):156-167. CELD ID 18774.

9. Henry, JF. 2004.

Do solar sound speeds confirm the standard solar model?
CRSQ 41(2):168-170. CELD ID 18775.

10. Rucker, BR. 2004.

African cattle egret in the new world: stormy arrival
CRSQ 41(2):171. CELD ID 18776.

11. Aufdemberge, T. 2004.

Science and Scripture
CRSQ 41(2):171-172. CELD ID 18777.

12. Bergman, J. 2004.

A misrepresentation by Jim Foley: a correction
CRSQ 41(2):172-174. CELD ID 18778.

13. Reed, JK. 2004.

Book review: For the Glory of God
CRSQ 41(2):174. CELD ID 18779.

14. Kaufmann, DA. 2004.

Minutes of the 2004 Creation Research Society Board of Directors meeting
CRSQ 41(2):179-180. CELD ID 18780.

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