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Contents of Creation Research Society Quarterly 4(1)

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1. Burdick, C. 1967.

Ararat - The Mother Of Mountains
CRSQ 4(1):5-12. CELD ID 1917.

2. Gish, DT. 1967.

DNA: Its History And Potential
CRSQ 4(1):13-17. CELD ID 1918.

3. Frair, W. 1967.

Some Molecular Approaches To Taxonomy
CRSQ 4(1):18-22,47. CELD ID 1919.

4. Grebe, JJ. 1967.

DNA Studies In Relation To Creation Concepts: The New Biology, Based On Molecular Structure, Shows
CRSQ 4(1):23-30. CELD ID 1920.

5. Williams, EL. 1967.

The evolution of complex organic compounds from simpler chemical compounds: Is it thermodynamically and kinetically possible?
CRSQ 4(1):30-35. CELD ID 1921.

6. Lammerts, WE. 1967.

Mutations Reveal The Glory Of God's Handiwork
CRSQ 4(1):35-41. CELD ID 1922.

7. Armstrong, H. 1967.

Is DNA Only A Material Cause?
CRSQ 4(1):41-45. CELD ID 1923.

8. anonymous. 1967.

William John Tinkle
CRSQ 4(1):3. CELD ID 4107.

9. Lammerts, WE. 1967.

Editorial Comments
CRSQ 4(1):4. CELD ID 4108.

10. Lammerts, WE. 1967.

Universities and colleges having the creation point of view
CRSQ 4(1):46-47. CELD ID 4109.

11. Armstrong, H. 1967.

Comments on scientific news and views
CRSQ 4(1):48-50. CELD ID 4110.

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