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Contents of Creation Research Society Quarterly 36(4)

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1. Akridge, J. 2000.

DeSoto Falls in DeSoto State Park, Alabama: Evidence for Recent Formation?
CRSQ 36(4):170-176. CELD ID 1828.

2. DeYoung, DB. 2000.

Dark Matter
CRSQ 36(4):177-182. CELD ID 1829.

3. Armitage, MH. 2000.

Trematode Parasites: What Is Their Genesis?
CRSQ 36(4):184-194. CELD ID 1830.

4. Bergman, J. 2000.

Why Abiogenesis Is Impossible
CRSQ 36(4):195-207. CELD ID 1831.

5. Matzko, GT. 2000.

What is the Upward Limit for the Rate of Speleothem Formation?
CRSQ 36(4):208-214. CELD ID 1832.

6. Williams, EL. 2000.

Editor's comments
CRSQ 36(4):169. CELD ID 7849.

7. Brown, C. 2000.

The present position of birds and feathered dinosaurs
CRSQ 36(4):224-225. CELD ID 7850.

8. DeYoung, D. 2000.

String theory only a model
CRSQ 36(4):224. CELD ID 7851.

9. Chaffin, E. 2000.

String theory and nonsense a reply to Lillo
CRSQ 36(4):223-224. CELD ID 7852.

10. Lillo, CL. 2000.

Strung out on String Theory
CRSQ 36(4):223. CELD ID 7853.

11. DeYoung, DB. 2000.

Book review: Seduced by Science by Steven Goldberg
CRSQ 36(4):222. CELD ID 7854.

12. Brown, C. 2000.

Fossil Man
CRSQ 36(4):221-222. CELD ID 7855.

13. Akridge, AJ. 2000.

Rock Spires (Pseudo-Hoodoos) on the Lookout Mountain syncline
CRSQ 36(4):216-220. CELD ID 7856.

14. Reed, JK. 2000.

Book review: Did God Create in Six Days? edited by Dr. Joseph A. Pipa, Jr. and Rev. David W. Hall
CRSQ 36(4):215. CELD ID 7857.

15. Bergman, J. 2000.

Book review: The Design Inference by William A. Dembski
CRSQ 36(4):182-183. CELD ID 7858.

16. Lillo, CL. 2000.

Book review: Tornado in a Junkyard by James Perloff
CRSQ 36(4):176. CELD ID 7859.

17. DeYoung, DB. 2000.

Book review: Subterranean by James Rollins
CRSQ 36(4):169. CELD ID 7860.

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