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Contents of Creation Research Society Quarterly 34(2)

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1. Froede, CR; Howe, GF; Reed, JK; Meyer, JR; Williams, EL. 1997.

An overview of the geomorphology of Arizona (Van Andel Creation Research Center report number 1)
CRSQ 34(2):68-74. CELD ID 3767.

2. Froede, CR. 1997.

The flood event/ice age stratigraphic boundary on the united states southeastern coastal plain
CRSQ 34(2):75-82. CELD ID 3768.

3. Vorpahl, PV. 1997.

Predators and paradise, one more time
CRSQ 34(2):84-85. CELD ID 3769.

4. DeYoung, DB. 1997.

Mark Twain and origins
CRSQ 34(2):86-91. CELD ID 3770.

5. Garcia-Pozuelo-Ramos, C. 1997.

Taxonomy of primates
CRSQ 34(2):93-102. CELD ID 3771.

6. Auldaney, J; Rosnau, PO; Back, E; Davis, N. 1997.

More human-like track impressions found with the tracks of dinosaurs in the Kayenta Formation of Arizona: Part I: Mapping, description, and comparison to dinosaur trackways
CRSQ 34(2):115-128. CELD ID 3772.

7. Chaffin, E. 1997.

Editor's comments
CRSQ 34(2):67. CELD ID 8013.

8. Lubenow, M. 1997.

Homo erectus and modern humans do not demonstrate an evolutionary sequence
CRSQ 34(2):91-92. CELD ID 8014.

9. Bowden, M. 1997.

Homo erectus-further comments
CRSQ 34(2):92. CELD ID 8015.

10. Cohen, M. 1997.

Formation of Santa Elena Canyon: the rising cake model
CRSQ 34(2):103. CELD ID 8016.

11. Herrmann, RA. 1997.

Deriving Varidman's sedimentation equation
CRSQ 34(2):103-104. CELD ID 8017.

12. Brown, C. 1997.

Devonian fish and amphibians: an update
CRSQ 34(2):104. CELD ID 8018.

13. Waisgerber, W. 1997.

Lyell's ideas reevaluated in the light of linear end members
CRSQ 34(2):105-107. CELD ID 8019.

14. Meyer, JR. 1997.

CRSdirect-a new way of giving-Lab director's report
CRSQ 34(2):112. CELD ID 8020.

15. Frair, W. 1997.

Book review: Darwin's Black Box: A Biochemical Challenge to Evolution by Michael Behe
CRSQ 34(2):113. CELD ID 8021.

16. Froede, CR. 1997.

Book review: Meteorite Craters by Kathleen Mark
CRSQ 34(2):113-114. CELD ID 8022.

17. Kaufmann, DA. 1997.

Minutes of 1997 Creation Research Society Board of Directors Meeting
CRSQ 34(2):114-128. CELD ID 8023.

18. Froede, CR. 1997.

Rock spires (Pseudo-hoodoos) fit flood model
CRSQ 34(2):128. CELD ID 8024.

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