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Contents of Creation Research Society Quarterly 30(1)

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1. Vorpahl, PV. 1993.

Adapted or Preadapted: A Clinical Perspective
CRSQ 30(1):7-8. CELD ID 2328.

2. Faulkner, DR. 1993.

The Role of Stellar Population Types in the Discussion of Stellar Evolution
CRSQ 30(1):8-11. CELD ID 2329.

3. Hoffman, EJ. 1993.

Evolutionism: An Oxymoron
CRSQ 30(1):12-16. CELD ID 2330.

4. Bergman, J. 1993.

The History of Hesperopithicus haroldcookii Hominoidea
CRSQ 30(1):27-34. CELD ID 2331.

5. Frair, W. 1993.

Additional Information on the Freiberg Human Skull Composed of Coal
CRSQ 30(1):36-39. CELD ID 2332.

6. Oard, MJ. 1993.

Comment on the Breached Dam Theory for the Formation of the Grand Canyon
CRSQ 30(1):39-46. CELD ID 2333.

7. Williams, EL; Howe, GF. 1993.

Fossil Wood of Big Bend National Park, Brewster County, Texas: Part I - Geologic setting
CRSQ 30(1):47-54. CELD ID 2334.

8. DeYoung, DB. 1993.

Editor's comments
CRSQ 30(1):6. CELD ID 8211.

9. Oard, MJ. 1993.

Archaeopteryx was a bird
CRSQ 30(1):16. CELD ID 8212.

10. Williams, EL; Wolfrom, GW. 1993.

A plant that produces wax as protection from arid conditions
CRSQ 30(1):17-18. CELD ID 8213.

11. DeYoung, D. 1993.

Water is more than a drink
CRSQ 30(1):18. CELD ID 8214.

12. Wise, DA. 1993.

Modern medicine is not so modern
CRSQ 30(1):18-19. CELD ID 8215.

13. Humber, PG. 1993.

Advanced placement coordinator questions evolution
CRSQ 30(1):20-21. CELD ID 8216.

14. Williams, EL. 1993.

Reprinted CRSQ volume 12
CRSQ 30(1):21-23. CELD ID 8217.

15. Kaufmann, DA. 1993.

Minutes of 1992 Creation Research Society Board of Directors meeting
CRSQ 30(1):23-24. CELD ID 8218.

16. DeYoung, DB. 1993.

Article review: "From Beyond the Laboratory: A Theologian Looks at Science"
CRSQ 30(1):34-35. CELD ID 8219.

17. Lee, JS. 1993.

Article review: "Hydrothermal-Vent Communities of the Deep Sea"
CRSQ 30(1):35-36. CELD ID 8220.

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