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Contents of Creation Research Society Quarterly 3(4)

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1. Brauer, OL. 1967.

God Of The Universe Watching Over The Earth
CRSQ 3(4):4-11. CELD ID 1913.

2. Moore, RS. 1967.

A study of moss and miniature roses
CRSQ 3(4):12-18. CELD ID 1914.

3. Howard, WR. 1967.

Reinterpretation Of Facts Behind The Theory Of Evolution
CRSQ 3(4):18-20. CELD ID 1915.

4. Steveson, PA. 1967.

A cosmological development
CRSQ 3(4):20-21. CELD ID 1916.

5. Lammerts, WE. 1967.

Editorial comment
CRSQ 3(4):3. CELD ID 3696.

6. Armstrong, H. 1967.

Comments on scientific news and views
CRSQ 3(4):21-23. CELD ID 3697.

7. Rusch, WH. 1967.

Book Review: Surtsey; The New Island in the North Atlantic
CRSQ 3(4):23-24. CELD ID 3698.

8. Tinkle, WJ. 1967.

Article Review: "The Biological Nature of Man"
CRSQ 3(4):24-25. CELD ID 3699.

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