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Contents of Creation Research Society Quarterly 29(1)

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1. Holroyd, EW. 1992.

Comments on the Fossils of Dinosaur Ridge
CRSQ 29(1):6-13. CELD ID 3886.

2. Lee, J. 1992.

Hydrothermal Vents at Deep Sea Spreading Ridges: Modern-Day Fountains of the Deep?
CRSQ 29(1):13-18. CELD ID 3887.

3. Williams, EL; Meyer, JR; Wolfrom, GW. 1992.

Erosion of the Grand Canyon of the Colorado River Part III - Review of the Possible Formation of Basins and and Lakes on Colorado Plateau and Different Climatic Conditions in the Past
CRSQ 29(1):18-24. CELD ID 3888.

4. Bergman, J. 1992.

The Biological Theory of Atavism: A History and Evaluation
CRSQ 29(1):33-44. CELD ID 3889.

5. Brown, RH. 1992.

Correlation of C-14 Age With Real Time
CRSQ 29(1):45-47. CELD ID 3890.

6. DeYoung, DB. 1992.

Editor's comments
CRSQ 29(1):6. CELD ID 8154.

7. Holroyd, EW. 1992.

Reserved for fire
CRSQ 29(1):24. CELD ID 8155.

8. Williams, EL. 1992.

Thermodynamics and natural processes
CRSQ 29(1):25-27. CELD ID 8156.

9. Oard, MJ. 1992.

What is under the surface?
CRSQ 29(1):27-28. CELD ID 8157.

10. Williams, EL. 1992.

Reprinted CRSQ volume 8
CRSQ 29(1):28-30. CELD ID 8158.

11. Anonymous. 1992.

Carbon-14 Quarterly bibliography
CRSQ 29(1):47-48. CELD ID 8159.

12. Rusch, W. 1992.

Book review: Darwin On Trial
CRSQ 29(1):48. CELD ID 8160.

13. Lillo, CL. 1992.

Book review: A Scientific Approach to Christianity
CRSQ 29(1):48-49. CELD ID 8161.

14. Faulkner, DR. 1992.

Book review: Catastrophic Episodes in Earth History
CRSQ 29(1):49. CELD ID 8162.

15. DeYoung, DB. 1992.

Book review: Those Mysterious Dinosaurs
CRSQ 29(1):49-50. CELD ID 8163.

16. Williams, EL. 1992.

Quarterly astronomy bibliography
CRSQ 29(1):50-52. CELD ID 8164.

17. Stewart, AG. 1992.

An expanding earth?
CRSQ 29(1):53. CELD ID 8165.

18. Coppedge, D. 1992.

Creationist astronomy
CRSQ 29(1):53-54. CELD ID 8166.

19. Williams, EL. 1992.

CRSQ 29(1):54. CELD ID 8167.

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