1. Williams, EL; Meyer, JR; Wolfrom, GW. 1992. Erosion of the Grand Canyon of the Colorado River Part II - Review of River Capture, Piping and Ancestral River Hypotheses and the Possible Formation of Vast LakesCRSQ 28(4):138-145. CELD ID 3835.
Erosion of the Grand Canyon of the Colorado River Part II - Review of River Capture, Piping and Ancestral River Hypotheses and the Possible Formation of Vast Lakes
2. Kofahl, RE. 1992. Is the Genome Sufficient, Where is the Design Information and What Limits Variation?CRSQ 28(4):146-148. CELD ID 3836.
Is the Genome Sufficient, Where is the Design Information and What Limits Variation?
3. Crofut, B. 1992. The Family Blattidae: An Example of "Evolutionary Stasis"CRSQ 28(4):149-155. CELD ID 3837.
The Family Blattidae: An Example of "Evolutionary Stasis"
4. Rusch, WH. 1992. Baked RocksCRSQ 28(4):161-163. CELD ID 3838.
Baked Rocks
5. Heinze, H. 1992. Isotope Ratios and Variable ConstantsCRSQ 28(4):164-165. CELD ID 3839.
Isotope Ratios and Variable Constants
6. Fischer, JM. 1992. Dividing the EarthCRSQ 28(4):166-169. CELD ID 3840.
Dividing the Earth
7. DeYoung, DB. 1992. Editor's commentsCRSQ 28(4):137. CELD ID 8080.
Editor's comments
8. Wolfrom, GW. 1992. Plant communication: "Calling all wasps"CRSQ 28(4):156. CELD ID 8081.
Plant communication: "Calling all wasps"
9. Frair, W. 1992. Is Scientific American "scientific"?CRSQ 28(4):156-157. CELD ID 8082.
Is Scientific American "scientific"?
10. Williams, EL; Howe, GF; Meyer, JR. 1992. Population control without predationCRSQ 28(4):157-158. CELD ID 8083.
Population control without predation
11. Watson, DCC. 1992. Number gameCRSQ 28(4):158. CELD ID 8084.
Number game
12. Williams, EL. 1992. Reprinted CRSQ volume 7CRSQ 28(4):158-161. CELD ID 8085.
Reprinted CRSQ volume 7
13. Howe, GF. 1992. Book review: Origins: What Is At Stake?CRSQ 28(4):169. CELD ID 8086.
Book review: Origins: What Is At Stake?
14. Meyer, JR. 1992. Book review: "Vestigial Organs" Are Fully FunctionalCRSQ 28(4):169-171. CELD ID 8087.
Book review: "Vestigial Organs" Are Fully Functional
15. Frair, W. 1992. Book review: Darwin on TrialCRSQ 28(4):171. CELD ID 8088.
Book review: Darwin on Trial
16. Faulkner, DR. 1992. Book review: The Big Bang Never HappenedCRSQ 28(4):171-172. CELD ID 8089.
Book review: The Big Bang Never Happened
17. Bergman, J. 1992. Book review: Dictionary of Science and CreationismCRSQ 28(4):172-174. CELD ID 8090.
Book review: Dictionary of Science and Creationism
18. DeYoung, DB. 1992. Book review: Inner Earth: A Search for AnomaliesCRSQ 28(4):174. CELD ID 8091.
Book review: Inner Earth: A Search for Anomalies
19. Lillo, CL. 1992. Book review: The Practical PaleontologistCRSQ 28(4):174-175. CELD ID 8092.
Book review: The Practical Paleontologist
20. Jang, A. 1992. Book review: Science Matters: Achieving Scientific LiteracyCRSQ 28(4):175-176. CELD ID 8093.
Book review: Science Matters: Achieving Scientific Literacy
21. Anonymous. 1992. International Conference on Science and BeliefCRSQ 28(4):176. CELD ID 8094.
International Conference on Science and Belief
22. Akers, H. 1992. VariationCRSQ 28(4):176-177. CELD ID 8095.
23. Lammerts, WE. 1992. Millipedes and adaptationCRSQ 28(4):177. CELD ID 8096.
Millipedes and adaptation
24. Williams, EL; Meyer, JR. 1992. Response to LammertsCRSQ 28(4):177. CELD ID 8097.
Response to Lammerts
25. Parks, WS. 1992. An open letter to the journal Creation/EvolutionCRSQ 28(4):177-178. CELD ID 8098.
An open letter to the journal Creation/Evolution