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Contents of Creation Research Society Quarterly 28(4)

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1. Williams, EL; Meyer, JR; Wolfrom, GW. 1992.

Erosion of the Grand Canyon of the Colorado River Part II - Review of River Capture, Piping and Ancestral River Hypotheses and the Possible Formation of Vast Lakes
CRSQ 28(4):138-145. CELD ID 3835.

2. Kofahl, RE. 1992.

Is the Genome Sufficient, Where is the Design Information and What Limits Variation?
CRSQ 28(4):146-148. CELD ID 3836.

3. Crofut, B. 1992.

The Family Blattidae: An Example of "Evolutionary Stasis"
CRSQ 28(4):149-155. CELD ID 3837.

4. Rusch, WH. 1992.

Baked Rocks
CRSQ 28(4):161-163. CELD ID 3838.

5. Heinze, H. 1992.

Isotope Ratios and Variable Constants
CRSQ 28(4):164-165. CELD ID 3839.

6. Fischer, JM. 1992.

Dividing the Earth
CRSQ 28(4):166-169. CELD ID 3840.

7. DeYoung, DB. 1992.

Editor's comments
CRSQ 28(4):137. CELD ID 8080.

8. Wolfrom, GW. 1992.

Plant communication: "Calling all wasps"
CRSQ 28(4):156. CELD ID 8081.

9. Frair, W. 1992.

Is Scientific American "scientific"?
CRSQ 28(4):156-157. CELD ID 8082.

10. Williams, EL; Howe, GF; Meyer, JR. 1992.

Population control without predation
CRSQ 28(4):157-158. CELD ID 8083.

11. Watson, DCC. 1992.

Number game
CRSQ 28(4):158. CELD ID 8084.

12. Williams, EL. 1992.

Reprinted CRSQ volume 7
CRSQ 28(4):158-161. CELD ID 8085.

13. Howe, GF. 1992.

Book review: Origins: What Is At Stake?
CRSQ 28(4):169. CELD ID 8086.

14. Meyer, JR. 1992.

Book review: "Vestigial Organs" Are Fully Functional
CRSQ 28(4):169-171. CELD ID 8087.

15. Frair, W. 1992.

Book review: Darwin on Trial
CRSQ 28(4):171. CELD ID 8088.

16. Faulkner, DR. 1992.

Book review: The Big Bang Never Happened
CRSQ 28(4):171-172. CELD ID 8089.

17. Bergman, J. 1992.

Book review: Dictionary of Science and Creationism
CRSQ 28(4):172-174. CELD ID 8090.

18. DeYoung, DB. 1992.

Book review: Inner Earth: A Search for Anomalies
CRSQ 28(4):174. CELD ID 8091.

19. Lillo, CL. 1992.

Book review: The Practical Paleontologist
CRSQ 28(4):174-175. CELD ID 8092.

20. Jang, A. 1992.

Book review: Science Matters: Achieving Scientific Literacy
CRSQ 28(4):175-176. CELD ID 8093.

21. Anonymous. 1992.

International Conference on Science and Belief
CRSQ 28(4):176. CELD ID 8094.

22. Akers, H. 1992.

CRSQ 28(4):176-177. CELD ID 8095.

23. Lammerts, WE. 1992.

Millipedes and adaptation
CRSQ 28(4):177. CELD ID 8096.

24. Williams, EL; Meyer, JR. 1992.

Response to Lammerts
CRSQ 28(4):177. CELD ID 8097.

25. Parks, WS. 1992.

An open letter to the journal Creation/Evolution
CRSQ 28(4):177-178. CELD ID 8098.

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