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Contents of Creation Research Society Quarterly 23(4)

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1. Riemen, WP. 1987.

The Non-Material Hypothesis And Its Implications For Modern Science
CRSQ 23(4):141-145. CELD ID 2308.

2. Marsh, FL. 1987.

Five-linked food chain of insects
CRSQ 23(4):145-151. CELD ID 2309.

3. Lammerts, WE; Howe, GF. 1987.

Creation Research Society Studies On Precambrian Pollen - Part II: Experiments On Atmospheric Pollen Contamination of Microscope Slides
CRSQ 23(4):151-153. CELD ID 2310.

4. Steidl, PM. 1987.

Comets and creation
CRSQ 23(4):153-160. CELD ID 2311.

5. Waisgerber, W; Howe, GF; Williams, EL. 1987.

Mississippian and Cambrian strata interbedding: 200 Million years hiatus in question
CRSQ 23(4):160-167. CELD ID 2312.

6. Barnes, TG. 1987.

The dilemma of a theistic evolutionist: An answer to Howard Van Till
CRSQ 23(4):167-171. CELD ID 2313.

7. Williams, EL. 1987.

Editorial comments
CRSQ 23(4):141. CELD ID 7403.

8. Kaufmann, DA. 1987.

Minutes of the 1986 Creation Research Society Board of Directors Meeting
CRSQ 23(4):171-173. CELD ID 7404.

9. Klotz, JW. 1987.

Bishop Lightfoot and the exact hour of creation
CRSQ 23(4):173-174. CELD ID 7405.

10. Holroyd, EW. 1987.

International Conference on Creationism
CRSQ 23(4):174-176. CELD ID 7406.

11. Oard, MJ. 1987.

The redshift controversy
CRSQ 23(4):176. CELD ID 7407.

12. Klotz, JW. 1987.

The "crime" of Galileo
CRSQ 23(4):176. CELD ID 7408.

13. Calais, RC. 1987.

Another crypto-ichnological excursion
CRSQ 23(4):176-177. CELD ID 7409.

14. Hamilton, HS. 1987.

The snake's spectacular spectacle
CRSQ 23(4):177-178. CELD ID 7410.

15. Wolfrom, GW. 1987.

The genetics of cheetahs
CRSQ 23(4):178-179. CELD ID 7411.

16. Holroyd, EW. 1987.

Autumn colors
CRSQ 23(4):179. CELD ID 7412.

17. Polsdorfer, JR. 1987.

Article review: "The Archaeopteryx flap"
CRSQ 23(4):179-180. CELD ID 7413.

18. Phillips, PP. 1987.

Book review: It's a Young World After All: Exciting Evidences for a Recent Creation
CRSQ 23(4):180. CELD ID 7414.

19. Englin, D. 1987.

Book review: Living Fossils
CRSQ 23(4):180-182. CELD ID 7415.

20. Wise, K. 1987.

International Conference on Creationism
CRSQ 23(4):182. CELD ID 7416.

21. Holt, RD. 1987.

CRS should sponsor conferences
CRSQ 23(4):182-183. CELD ID 7417.

22. DeYoung, DB. 1987.

The seven-day week
CRSQ 23(4):182-184. CELD ID 7418.

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