1. Klotz, JW. 1985. Darwin's Religious BeliefsCRSQ 21(4):165-170. CELD ID 2270.
Darwin's Religious Beliefs
2. Oard, MJ. 1985. Ice Ages: The mystery solved? Part III: Paleomagnetic stratigraphy and data manipulationCRSQ 21(4):170-181. CELD ID 2271.
Ice Ages: The mystery solved? Part III: Paleomagnetic stratigraphy and data manipulation
3. Verbrugge, M. 1985. The legacy of Duyvene De Wit for creationist biology part III - The cosmonomic philosophy: A Christian alternative to evolutionismCRSQ 21(4):182-184. CELD ID 2272.
The legacy of Duyvene De Wit for creationist biology part III - The cosmonomic philosophy: A Christian alternative to evolutionism
4. Barnes, TG. 1985. Transformer analogue of the hydrogen atomCRSQ 21(4):186-189. CELD ID 2273.
Transformer analogue of the hydrogen atom
5. Moore, JN. 1985. Teaching about origin questions: Origin of the universeCRSQ 21(4):189-194. CELD ID 2274.
Teaching about origin questions: Origin of the universe
6. Williams, EL. 1985. Editorial commentsCRSQ 21(4):165. CELD ID 6710.
Editorial comments
7. Woodmorappe, J. 1985. A reply to G. Brent DalrympleCRSQ 21(4):184-186. CELD ID 6711.
A reply to G. Brent Dalrymple
8. Thompson, WI. 1985. Meteor Crater has its youth restored (to some extent)CRSQ 21(4):194. CELD ID 6712.
Meteor Crater has its youth restored (to some extent)
9. Thompson, WI. 1985. Another mechanistic explanation (as well as the chicken) lays an eggCRSQ 21(4):195. CELD ID 6713.
Another mechanistic explanation (as well as the chicken) lays an egg
10. Williams, EL. 1985. Sir Isaac Newton not a mechanist?CRSQ 21(4):195. CELD ID 6714.
Sir Isaac Newton not a mechanist?
11. Armstrong, HL. 1985. Natural selection questioned againCRSQ 21(4):195. CELD ID 6715.
Natural selection questioned again
12. Lammerts, WE. 1985. A seed-eating beetle's adaptation to poisonous seedsCRSQ 21(4):196-197. CELD ID 6716.
A seed-eating beetle's adaptation to poisonous seeds
13. Smith, EN. 1985. To incubate an eggCRSQ 21(4):197. CELD ID 6717.
To incubate an egg
14. Smith, EN. 1985. To see or not to seeCRSQ 21(4):198. CELD ID 6718.
To see or not to see
15. Armstrong, C. 1985. Florida fossils puzzle the expertsCRSQ 21(4):198-199. CELD ID 6719.
Florida fossils puzzle the experts
16. Rusch, WH. 1985. In Memoriam John J. Grebe: 1900-1984CRSQ 21(4):199. CELD ID 6720.
In Memoriam John J. Grebe: 1900-1984
17. Lammerts, WE. 1985. Recorded instances of wrong-order formations or presumed overthrusts in the United States: A bibliography - Part IIICRSQ 21(4):200. CELD ID 6721.
Recorded instances of wrong-order formations or presumed overthrusts in the United States: A bibliography - Part III
18. Pemper, RR. 1985. Book Review: Physics of the FutureCRSQ 21(4):201-202. CELD ID 6722.
Book Review: Physics of the Future
19. Zimmerman, PA. 1985. Book Review: What Do The Fossils SayCRSQ 21(4):202. CELD ID 6723.
Book Review: What Do The Fossils Say
20. Zimmerman, PA. 1985. Book Review: Spading Up Ancient WordsCRSQ 21(4):202-203. CELD ID 6724.
Book Review: Spading Up Ancient Words
21. Rusch, WH. 1985. Book Review: Evolution versus Creationism: The Public ControversyCRSQ 21(4):203-205. CELD ID 6725.
Book Review: Evolution versus Creationism: The Public Controversy
22. Williams, EL. 1985. Book Review: Evolution versus CreationismCRSQ 21(4):205-206. CELD ID 6726.
Book Review: Evolution versus Creationism
23. Eberly, WB. 1985. Carbon problem does not existCRSQ 21(4):206. CELD ID 6727.
Carbon problem does not exist
24. Morton, GR. 1985. Reply to EberlyCRSQ 21(4):206. CELD ID 6728.
Reply to Eberly
25. Becker, BA. 1985. Quantum vs. classical physicsCRSQ 21(4):206-207. CELD ID 6729.
Quantum vs. classical physics
26. Barnes, TG. 1985. Answer to Becker's letterCRSQ 21(4):207-208. CELD ID 6730.
Answer to Becker's letter
27. Tyler, DJ. 1985. Observations on research effortsCRSQ 21(4):208-209. CELD ID 6731.
Observations on research efforts
28. Woodmorappe, J. 1985. Some additional comments on concerning several matters (Part I)CRSQ 21(4):209-210. CELD ID 6732.
Some additional comments on concerning several matters (Part I)
29. Setterfield, B. 1985. Answer to AkridgeCRSQ 21(4):210-211. CELD ID 6733.
Answer to Akridge