1. Peterson, EH. 1982. Prehistory And The Tower Of BabelCRSQ 19(2):87-90. CELD ID 2232.
Prehistory And The Tower Of Babel
2. Meyer, JR. 1982. The life and philosophy of Matthew Fontaine Maury, pathfinder of the seaCRSQ 19(2):91-100. CELD ID 2233.
The life and philosophy of Matthew Fontaine Maury, pathfinder of the sea
3. Brown, C. 1982. Variation And The Fourth Law Of CreationCRSQ 19(2):100-103. CELD ID 2234.
Variation And The Fourth Law Of Creation
4. Morton, GR. 1982. Fossil successionCRSQ 19(2):103-111,90. CELD ID 2235.
Fossil succession
5. Barnes, TG; Slusher, HS; Akridge, GR; Ramirez, FS. 1982. Electric theory of gravitationCRSQ 19(2):113-116. CELD ID 2236.
Electric theory of gravitation
6. Lee, RE. 1982. Radiocarbon: Ages and errorCRSQ 19(2):117-127. CELD ID 2237.
Radiocarbon: Ages and error
7. Tinkle, WJ. 1982. Darwin, the unusual oneCRSQ 19(2):112. CELD ID 5954.
Darwin, the unusual one
8. Steidl, PM. 1982. The velocity of light and the age of the universeCRSQ 19(2):128-131. CELD ID 5955.
The velocity of light and the age of the universe
9. Frair, W. 1982. Book Review: Biology for Christian SchoolsCRSQ 19(2):131-133. CELD ID 5956.
Book Review: Biology for Christian Schools
10. Cutchins, MA. 1982. Book Review: A Christian ManifestoCRSQ 19(2):133-134. CELD ID 5957.
Book Review: A Christian Manifesto
11. Cox, DE. 1982. Book Review: Man, a Unity of Matter and SpiritCRSQ 19(2):134. CELD ID 5958.
Book Review: Man, a Unity of Matter and Spirit
12. Meyer, JR. 1982. Book Review: Bibliography of the Grand Canyon and the lower Colorado River, 1549-1980CRSQ 19(2):134-135. CELD ID 5959.
Book Review: Bibliography of the Grand Canyon and the lower Colorado River, 1549-1980
13. Hummer, CC. 1982. Book Review: Earlier Than You Think, A Personal View of Man in AmericaCRSQ 19(2):135-137. CELD ID 5960.
Book Review: Earlier Than You Think, A Personal View of Man in America
14. Williams, EL. 1982. Book Review: Entropy: a New World ViewCRSQ 19(2):137-138. CELD ID 5961.
Book Review: Entropy: a New World View
15. DeYoung, DB. 1982. Book Review: In the BeginningCRSQ 19(2):138-139. CELD ID 5962.
Book Review: In the Beginning
16. Armstrong, HL. 1982. Book Review: The Tigris ExpeditionCRSQ 19(2):139-140. CELD ID 5963.
Book Review: The Tigris Expedition
17. McGhee, L. 1982. No chance for chanceCRSQ 19(2):140. CELD ID 5964.
No chance for chance
18. Siegler, HR. 1982. Mortality among deer in winterCRSQ 19(2):140. CELD ID 5965.
Mortality among deer in winter
19. Howe, GF. 1982. Not all footprints should be dismissed lightlyCRSQ 19(2):141-142. CELD ID 5966.
Not all footprints should be dismissed lightly
20. Hall, J. 1982. Microevolution no threatCRSQ 19(2):142. CELD ID 5967.
Microevolution no threat
21. Mitchell, WA. 1982. Comments on Neanderthals and chronologyCRSQ 19(2):142-143. CELD ID 5968.
Comments on Neanderthals and chronology
22. Rusch, WH. 1982. The present position on pre-Cambrian pollenCRSQ 19(2):143-144. CELD ID 5969.
The present position on pre-Cambrian pollen
23. Burdick, CL. 1982. Reply to RuschCRSQ 19(2):144. CELD ID 5970.
Reply to Rusch
24. Lammerts, WE. 1982. In memory of William John TinkleCRSQ 19(2):145-146. CELD ID 5971.
In memory of William John Tinkle
25. Frair, W. 1982. Report of the 1982 Board of Directors meetingCRSQ 19(2):147-148. CELD ID 5972.
Report of the 1982 Board of Directors meeting
26. Rusch, WH. 1982. A brief statement of the history and aims of the CRSCRSQ 19(2):149-150. CELD ID 5973.
A brief statement of the history and aims of the CRS