1. Brown, C. 1982. The monotremesCRSQ 18(4):187-189. CELD ID 1784.
The monotremes
2. Moore, JN. 1982. An estimate of the current status of evolutionary thinkingCRSQ 18(4):189-197. CELD ID 1785.
An estimate of the current status of evolutionary thinking
3. Woodmorappe, J. 1982. An anthology of matters significant to creationism and diluviology: report 2CRSQ 18(4):201-223,239. CELD ID 1786.
An anthology of matters significant to creationism and diluviology: report 2
4. Peterson, EH. 1982. Creation, why and how?CRSQ 18(4):223-226,243. CELD ID 1787.
Creation, why and how?
5. Morton, GR. 1982. Electromagnetics and the appearance of ageCRSQ 18(4):227-232. CELD ID 1788.
Electromagnetics and the appearance of age
6. Barnes, TG; Ramirez, FS. 1982. Velocity effects on atomic clocks and the time questionCRSQ 18(4):198-200,235. CELD ID 5925.
Velocity effects on atomic clocks and the time question
7. Frair, W. 1982. Mother's milkCRSQ 18(4):232-233. CELD ID 5926.
Mother's milk
8. Whitcomb, D. 1982. No uniformitarian explanation for L-isomersCRSQ 18(4):233. CELD ID 5927.
No uniformitarian explanation for L-isomers
9. Mehlert, AW. 1982. Flaws in allopatric theoryCRSQ 18(4):233-234. CELD ID 5928.
Flaws in allopatric theory
10. Busfield, B. 1982. Where are dinosaurs now?CRSQ 18(4):234-235. CELD ID 5929.
Where are dinosaurs now?
11. Peterson, EH. 1982. Convection currentsCRSQ 18(4):235. CELD ID 5930.
Convection currents
12. Guenter, KE. 1982. Book Review: The Black Discovery of AmericaCRSQ 18(4):236. CELD ID 5931.
Book Review: The Black Discovery of America
13. Culley, PG. 1982. Book Review: Fearfully and Wonderfully MadeCRSQ 18(4):236. CELD ID 5932.
Book Review: Fearfully and Wonderfully Made
14. Ancil, RE. 1982. Additional thoughts on the FloodCRSQ 18(4):236-237. CELD ID 5933.
Additional thoughts on the Flood
15. Raaflaub, VA. 1982. Comment on The Necessity of the CanopiesCRSQ 18(4):237-238. CELD ID 5934.
Comment on The Necessity of the Canopies
16. Peterson, EH. 1982. Reply to RaaflaubCRSQ 18(4):238-239. CELD ID 5935.
Reply to Raaflaub
17. Depew, DA. 1982. Comment on The Rivers of EdenCRSQ 18(4):239. CELD ID 5936.
Comment on The Rivers of Eden
18. Bedigian, G. 1982. Reply to DepewCRSQ 18(4):329. CELD ID 5937.
Reply to Depew