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Contents of Creation Research Society Quarterly 12(1)

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1. Lammerts, WE. 1975.

Trees indicate recent origin of Yosemite Valley
CRSQ 12(1):3-6. CELD ID 1746.

2. Samec, RG. 1975.

Effect of radiation pressure on micrometeoroids, and existence of micrometeroids as evidence for a young solar system
CRSQ 12(1):7-10. CELD ID 1747.

3. Barnes, TG. 1975.

Earth's magnetic energy provides confirmation of its young age
CRSQ 12(1):11-13. CELD ID 1748.

4. Rodabaugh, DJ. 1975.

The queen of science examines the king of fools
CRSQ 12(1):14-18. CELD ID 1749.

5. Morris, HM. 1975.

The young earth
CRSQ 12(1):19-22. CELD ID 1750.

6. Steveson, PA. 1975.

Meteoritic evidence for a young earth
CRSQ 12(1):23-25. CELD ID 1751.

7. Cox, DE. 1975.

On the interpretation of potholes
CRSQ 12(1):25-31. CELD ID 1752.

8. Ingram, TR. 1975.

The theological necessity of a young universe
CRSQ 12(1):32-33. CELD ID 1753.

9. Gish, DT. 1975.

A decade of creationist research
CRSQ 12(1):34-46. CELD ID 1754.

10. Howe, GF. 1975.

Conducting vessels in plants: problems for evolutionists and creationists
CRSQ 12(1):47-51. CELD ID 1755.

11. Smith, EN. 1975.

Body temperature regulation in reptiles, birds, and mammals
CRSQ 12(1):54-58. CELD ID 1756.

12. Thompson, JE. 1975.

Evidence of teleology in botany: differentiation in the vascular cambium into xylem and phloem
CRSQ 12(1):59-61. CELD ID 1757.

13. Quinn, LY. 1975.

Conversion of codons into analogous conformers, and assembly of conformers into polypeptides
CRSQ 12(1):62-65. CELD ID 1758.

14. Armstrong, H. 1975.

Selection means choice
CRSQ 12(1):31. CELD ID 5136.

15. Armstrong, H. 1975.

Creationism, science, corruption
CRSQ 12(1):46. CELD ID 5137.

16. Armstrong, H. 1975.

What can and cannot be described
CRSQ 12(1):51. CELD ID 5138.

17. Tinkle, WJ. 1975.

Further research on reduced viability of mutant plants
CRSQ 12(1):52. CELD ID 5139.

18. Armstrong, H. 1975.

More on a water canopy
CRSQ 12(1):52. CELD ID 5140.

19. Giannone, R. 1975.

A comparison of the Ark with modern ships
CRSQ 12(1):53. CELD ID 5141.

20. Armstrong, H. 1975.

Archaeologists, inscriptions, meanings
CRSQ 12(1):61. CELD ID 5142.

21. Armstrong, H. 1975.

New creationistic publication
CRSQ 12(1):65. CELD ID 5143.

22. Armstrong, H. 1975.

Another creationism publication
CRSQ 12(1):65. CELD ID 5144.

23. Anonymous. 1975.

Case of the missing tracks
CRSQ 12(1):66. CELD ID 5145.

24. Anonymous. 1975.

Marks on Mars not necessarily river beds
CRSQ 12(1):66. CELD ID 5146.

25. Anonymous. 1975.

Natural vs. artificial again
CRSQ 12(1):66. CELD ID 5147.

26. Brown, RH. 1975.

Can we believe radiocarbon dates?
CRSQ 12(1):66-68. CELD ID 5148.

27. Frair, W. 1975.

Gastric brooding
CRSQ 12(1):68. CELD ID 5149.

28. Lammerts, WE. 1975.

Acceptance of the evolution theory can result in costly errors in basic breeding emphasis
CRSQ 12(1):68-69. CELD ID 5150.

29. Tinkle, W. 1975.

The problem of animal descent
CRSQ 12(1):69-70. CELD ID 5151.

30. Howe, GF. 1975.

Plants show internal communication between parts
CRSQ 12(1):70-71. CELD ID 5152.

31. Armstrong, H. 1975.

More on Tychonian theory
CRSQ 12(1):71. CELD ID 5153.

32. von Fange, EA. 1975.

Book review: Many Infallible Proofs
CRSQ 12(1):72. CELD ID 5154.

33. Seguin, G. 1975.

Book review: Scientific Creationism (General Edition)
CRSQ 12(1):73. CELD ID 5155.

34. Cox, DE. 1975.

Book review: The Truth: God or Evolution?
CRSQ 12(1):72. CELD ID 5156.

35. Armstrong, HL. 1975.

Book review: Human Engineering
CRSQ 12(1):73. CELD ID 5157.

36. Abraham, EW. 1975.

Comment on "Beginnings"
CRSQ 12(1):74. CELD ID 5158.

37. Paterson, HC. 1975.

On the date of the Flood
CRSQ 12(1):74-75. CELD ID 5159.

38. White, WH. 1975.

On the confusion of tongues
CRSQ 12(1):75. CELD ID 5160.

39. Lammerts, WE. 1975.

Concerning the natural vs. the supernatural: A reply to Henry M. Morris
CRSQ 12(1):75-77. CELD ID 5161.

40. Armstrong, H. 1975.

Contradiction vs. non-contradiction
CRSQ 12(1):78. CELD ID 5162.

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