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Contents of Creation Research Society Quarterly 10(1)

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1. Smith, EN. 1973.

Crowding and asexual reproduction of the planaria, Dugesia dorotocephala
CRSQ 10(1):3-10. CELD ID 1726.

2. Gish, DT. 1973.

Genetic engineering: a biological time bomb?
CRSQ 10(1):10-17. CELD ID 1727.

3. Long, RD. 1973.

The Bible, radiocarbon dating and ancient Egypt
CRSQ 10(1):19-30. CELD ID 1728.

4. Marsh, FL. 1973.

The Genesis kinds and hybridization: has man ever crossed with any animal?
CRSQ 10(1):31-37. CELD ID 1729.

5. Springstead, WA. 1973.

The creationist and continental glaciation
CRSQ 10(1):47-53. CELD ID 1730.

6. Telfair, RC. 1973.

Should macroevolution be taught as fact?
CRSQ 10(1):53-61. CELD ID 1731.

7. Anonymous. 1973.

Editorial note
CRSQ 10(1):2. CELD ID 4567.

8. Armstrong, H. 1973.

How much like engineering is "genetic engineering"?
CRSQ 10(1):17-18. CELD ID 4568.

9. Williams, EL. 1973.

Thermodynamics: A tool for creationists (review of recent literature)
CRSQ 10(1):38-44. CELD ID 4569.

10. Tinkle, WJ. 1973.

Creationism in the twentieth century
CRSQ 10(1):44-47. CELD ID 4570.

11. Mulfinger, G. 1973.

A unique creationist exhibit
CRSQ 10(1):62-68. CELD ID 4571.

12. Armstrong, H. 1973.

Comments on scientific news and views
CRSQ 10(1):69-72. CELD ID 4572.

13. Whitcomb, JC. 1973.

Book Review: Genesis in Space and Time
CRSQ 10(1):73. CELD ID 4573.

14. von Fange, EA. 1973.

Book Review: The Exodus Problem and Its Ramifications
CRSQ 10(1):74-75. CELD ID 4574.

15. Swanson, R. 1973.

The Bible - Translation or mutation?
CRSQ 10(1):75-76. CELD ID 4575.

16. Shaw, RD. 1973.

Dr. Leakey: Valuable contributions
CRSQ 10(1):76. CELD ID 4576.

17. Barnes, T. 1973.

Expression of regrets
CRSQ 10(1):77. CELD ID 4577.

18. Helmsetter, L. 1973.

Alcoholism and nutrition
CRSQ 10(1):77-78. CELD ID 4578.

19. White, AJ. 1973.

Curse until the kingdom?
CRSQ 10(1):78. CELD ID 4579.

20. Howitt, J. 1973.

Reply by Dr. John R. Howitt
CRSQ 10(1):78-79. CELD ID 4580.

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