1. Lammerts, WE. 1964. IntroductionCRSQ 1:1-2. CELD ID 3606.
2. Moore, JN. 1964. The heritage of creation concepts: Selected bibliography showing the continuity of the creationist viewpointCRSQ 1:3-5. CELD ID 3607.
The heritage of creation concepts: Selected bibliography showing the continuity of the creationist viewpoint
3. Klotz, JW. 1964. The importance of creation studyCRSQ 1:6-9. CELD ID 3608.
The importance of creation study
4. Harris, RL. 1964. Dead Sea ScrollsCRSQ 1:10-12. CELD ID 3609.
Dead Sea Scrolls
5. Zimmerman, PA. 1964. The spontaneous generation of lifeCRSQ 1:13-17. CELD ID 3610.
The spontaneous generation of life
6. Morris, HM. 1964. The power of energyCRSQ 1:18-23. CELD ID 3611.
The power of energy
7. Slusher, H. 1964. Proposed research activityCRSQ 1:23. CELD ID 3612.
Proposed research activity
8. Howe, GF. 1964. Paleobotanical evidences for a philosophy of creationismCRSQ 1:24-29. CELD ID 3613.
Paleobotanical evidences for a philosophy of creationism
9. Marsh, FL. 1964. The Genesis kinds in the modern worldCRSQ 1:30-38. CELD ID 3614.
The Genesis kinds in the modern world
10. Tinkle, WJ. 1964. Natural selection a limited roleCRSQ 1:39-41. CELD ID 3615.
Natural selection a limited role
11. Burdick, C. 1964. Streamlining stratigraphyCRSQ 1:42-46. CELD ID 3616.
Streamlining stratigraphy
12. Lammerts, WE. 1964. Discoveries since 1859 which invalidate the evolution theoryCRSQ 1:47-55. CELD ID 3617.
Discoveries since 1859 which invalidate the evolution theory
13. Barnes, SG. 1964. Superiority of scientific approach that accepts its limitations and makes use of the ScripturesCRSQ 1:56. CELD ID 3618.
Superiority of scientific approach that accepts its limitations and makes use of the Scriptures
14. Moore, JN. 1964. The heritage of creation conceptsCRSQ 1(1):3-4. CELD ID 3619.
The heritage of creation concepts
15. Grebe, JJ. 1964. Science is now proving the Genesis creation account is correctCRSQ 1(1):5-6. CELD ID 3620.
Science is now proving the Genesis creation account is correct
16. Blake, DK. 1964. Genesis one : oneCRSQ 1(1):7-9. CELD ID 3621.
Genesis one : one
17. Acrey, DO. 1964. On the origin of the universeCRSQ 1(1):10-11. CELD ID 3622.
On the origin of the universe
18. Howe, GF. 1964. Duckweeds, palms and orchidsCRSQ 1(1):12. CELD ID 3623.
Duckweeds, palms and orchids
19. Rusch, W. 1964. Eskimos and Aleuts; Their Origins and EvolutionCRSQ 1(1):13-14. CELD ID 3624.
Eskimos and Aleuts; Their Origins and Evolution
20. Moore, JN. 1964. Heritage of creation concepts (continued)CRSQ 1(2):3-7. CELD ID 3625.
Heritage of creation concepts (continued)
21. Tinkle, WJ. 1964. The paradox of a centuryCRSQ 1(2):8-9. CELD ID 3626.
The paradox of a century
22. Gish, DT. 1964. Critique of biochemical evolutionCRSQ 1(2):10-12. CELD ID 3627.
Critique of biochemical evolution
23. Clark, HW. 1964. When was the earth created?CRSQ 1(2):13-14. CELD ID 3628.
When was the earth created?
24. Rasmussen, GG. 1964. The creation viewpointCRSQ 1(2):15. CELD ID 3629.
The creation viewpoint
25. Moore, JN. 1965. Heritage of creation concepts (concluded)CRSQ 1(3):3-6. CELD ID 3630.
Heritage of creation concepts (concluded)
26. Acrey, DO. 1965. Problems in absolute age determinationCRSQ 1(3):7-9. CELD ID 3631.
Problems in absolute age determination
27. Lang, W. 1965. Report from Bible Science AssociationCRSQ 1(3):10. CELD ID 3632.
Report from Bible Science Association
28. Armstrong, H. 1965. Possibility of the artificial creation of lifeCRSQ 1(3):11. CELD ID 3633.
Possibility of the artificial creation of life
29. Rasmussen, BG. 1965. Fossil bacteriaCRSQ 1(3):12. CELD ID 3634.
Fossil bacteria