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Contents of Creation Matters 9(4)

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1. Humphreys, DR. 2004.

Mercury's Messenger
CM 9(4):1,9. CELD ID 20291.

2. Mickelson, J. 2004.

Radio Interview with Dr. Kevin Anderson-Part 1
CM 9(4):1-4. CELD ID 20292.

3. Szuk, B. 2004.

The way of lightning
CM 9(4):4. CELD ID 20293.

4. Weinberger, L. 2004.

An antidote to compromise: Presupposing the Bible in our thinking
CM 9(4):5-7. CELD ID 20294.

5. DeYoung, DB. 2004.

Eternity in their hearts
CM 9(4):8. CELD ID 20295.

6. O'Quinn, JC. 2004.

All by Design: Fascinating frogfish
CM 9(4):10. CELD ID 20296.

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