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Contents of Creation Matters 8(2)

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1. Froede, CR. 2003.

The Gallery of Creation: a museum of natural history
CM 8(2):1-2. CELD ID 16104.

2. Tyler, DJ. 2003.

Teaching controversy: the creation vs. evolution debate
CM 8(2):1,3-4. CELD ID 16105.

3. Woetzel, DP. 2003.

Director of genome project speaks on origins at Harvard
CM 8(2):4,9. CELD ID 16106.

4. Humber, PG. 2003.

Comparing creation and evolution
CM 8(2):5-8. CELD ID 16107.

5. Coppedge, D. 2003.

Early man bones: geological deformation, natural variation can mimic diversity
CM 8(2):10. CELD ID 16108.

6. Bump, D. 2003.

Book review: Science Declares Our Universe is Intelligently Designed
CM 8(2):11. CELD ID 16109.

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