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Contents of Creation Matters 8(1)

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1. Wolfrom, G. 2003.

A family affair: close encounters with the camel kind
CM 8(1):1,4-5. CELD ID 16096.

2. Howe, GF. 2003.

Aspects of deity perceived from natural science part 2: God's purpose
CM 8(1):1-3. CELD ID 16097.

3. Calvert, J. 2003.

Objective origins science vs. evolution only: objectivity scores big time in 2002
CM 8(1):1,6-7. CELD ID 16098.

4. Stewart, M. 2003.

The angler fish
CM 8(1):5,7. CELD ID 16099.

5. Camp, AL. 2003.

What intelligent design is not...
CM 8(1):8. CELD ID 16100.

6. Coppedge, D. 2003.

Which emperor has no clothes?
CM 8(1):10. CELD ID 16101.

7. Coppedge, D. 2003.

Believe in evolution, or else
CM 8(1):10-11. CELD ID 16102.

8. Coppedge, D. 2003.

500 vertebrate fish found in early Cambrian
CM 8(1):11. CELD ID 16103.

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