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Contents of Creation Matters 6(4)

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1. Perloff, J. 2001.

Time Magazine's New Ape-Man
CM 6(4):1-4. CELD ID 4085.

2. Gillen, AL; Bardella, IJ. 2001.

Dr. Darwin, Meet the Great Physician
CM 6(4):1, 5-7. CELD ID 4086.

3. Priest, K. 2001.

Communicating to the Common Man
CM 6(4):8. CELD ID 4087.

4. Samec, R. 2001.

What is Red Shift?
CM 6(4):9. CELD ID 4088.

5. Kaufmann, DA. 2001.

Can We Prove Creation to be True?
CM 6(4):10-11. CELD ID 4089.

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