1. Helder, M. 2000. The DNA DisasterCM 5(3):1-2. CELD ID 4031.
The DNA Disaster
2. Gillen, AL; Bardella, I. 2000. Wisdom in the Inward PartsCM 5(3):1,6-8. CELD ID 4032.
Wisdom in the Inward Parts
3. Metcalf, G. 2000. 'Tornado in a Junkyard' Interview wiht Author and Darwin-debunker James PerloffCM 5(3):3-5. CELD ID 4033.
'Tornado in a Junkyard' Interview wiht Author and Darwin-debunker James Perloff
4. Wolfrom, GW. 2000. Gish Was Right! "How evolutin became a religion" by Michael RuseCM 5(3):8-9. CELD ID 4034.
Gish Was Right! "How evolutin became a religion" by Michael Ruse
5. Wolfrom, GW. 2000. "Licking your Wounds"CM 5(3):9. CELD ID 4035.
"Licking your Wounds"