1. Aldhizer, G; Johnston, G; Krull, D. 2000. Distinctions Exist between Evolution Fact and TheoryCM 5(1):1, 7-8. CELD ID 4018.
Distinctions Exist between Evolution Fact and Theory
2. Priest, K. 2000. Kanawha County WV Grassroots UpdateCM 5(1):1-3. CELD ID 4019.
Kanawha County WV Grassroots Update
3. Howe, GF. 2000. Homology Continued: Morphogenetic and Hox GenesCM 5(1):3-5. CELD ID 4020.
Homology Continued: Morphogenetic and Hox Genes
4. Woetzel, D. 2000. Probabilities, Monkeys & Natural SelectionCM 5(1):5-7. CELD ID 4021.
Probabilities, Monkeys & Natural Selection
5. Bump, D. 2000. A Probably Fraudulent Dinobird: What Shall We Make of It?CM 5(1):8-9. CELD ID 4022.
A Probably Fraudulent Dinobird: What Shall We Make of It?