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Contents of Creation Matters 4(5)

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1. Wolfrom, GW. 1999.

Shaking Up Kansas Education
CM 4(5):1,8-9. CELD ID 4002.

2. Howe, GF. 1999.

Homology and Origins
CM 4(5):1, 3-5. CELD ID 4003.

3. Spetner, L. 1999.

"Not by Chance":Comments by the Author
CM 4(5):1-2. CELD ID 4004.

4. Johnson, PE. 1999.

The Church of Darwin
CM 4(5):6-7. CELD ID 4005.

5. Richards, J. 1999.

Darwinism and Design
CM 4(5):7-8. CELD ID 4006.

6. Humphreys, DR. 1999.

Evolutionists flee rapid reversals
CM 4(5):9. CELD ID 4007.

7. Fox, S. 1999.

Selection is no gene genie
CM 4(5):9. CELD ID 4008.

8. Fox, S. 1999.

Brother fungus
CM 4(5):9. CELD ID 4009.

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