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Contents of Creation Matters 2(5)

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1. Tyler, DJ. 1997.

Adaptations within the Bear Family: A Contribution to the Debate about the Limits of Variation
CM 2(5):1-4. CELD ID 3955.

2. Wood, T. 1997.

The Gospel According to Carl: Movie Review
CM 2(5):5, 4. CELD ID 3956.

3. Gonzalez, G. 1997.

Nobody Here but Us Earthlings
CM 2(5):6. CELD ID 3957.

4. Frair, W. 1997.

Defeating Darwinism by Opening Minds
CM 2(5):7. CELD ID 3958.

5. Humphreys, DR. 1997.

Catastrophic Flood on Mars?
CM 2(5):8. CELD ID 3959.

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