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Contents of Creation Matters 16(3)

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1. Woetzel, D. 2011.

The Evolutionary Problem with Pain
CM 16(3):1,3. CELD ID 24580.

2. Miller, S. 2011.

Dealing with the Missing Population III Stars
CM 16(3):1,3-4. CELD ID 24581.

3. Samec, R. 2011.

Where is the Intracluster Medium in Globular Clusters?
CM 16(3):1,2. CELD ID 24582.

4. DeYoung, D. 2011.

Math Matters: Precise Clocks in Nature
CM 16(3):4. CELD ID 24583.

5. Lightner, JK. 2011.

Matters of Fact: How Old is the Earth?
CM 16(3):5. CELD ID 24584.

6. Coppedge, D. 2011.

Are earthquakes increasing?
CM 16(3):6. CELD ID 24585.

7. Coppedge, D. 2011.

Plants generate their own sunscreen
CM 16(3):6. CELD ID 24586.

8. Coppedge, D. 2011.

Why stuff evolves: Not having stuff would be terrible
CM 16(3):6-7. CELD ID 24587.

9. Coppedge, D. 2011.

Upsets in Space
CM 16(3):7. CELD ID 24588.

10. Coppedge, D. 2011.

Dinosaur classification is a mess
CM 16(3):7. CELD ID 24589.

11. Coppedge, D. 2011.

Hummingbird tongue more clever than previously thought
CM 16(3):8. CELD ID 24590.

12. Coppedge, D. 2011.

Venom for Health
CM 16(3):8. CELD ID 24591.

13. Stout, TR. 2011.

Without excuse: The Testimony of Homologies
CM 16(3):9. CELD ID 24592.

14. O'Quinn, JC. 2011.

All by Design: Sperm Whale Echolocation
CM 16(3):10. CELD ID 24593.

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