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Contents of Creation Matters 16(1)

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1. Ste. Marie, AV. 2011.

Did animals eat meat before the flood?
CM 16(1):1-4. CELD ID 23314.

2. Bergman, J. 2011.

Darwinism inspired the Chinese Communist holocaust
CM 16(1):1,7-8. CELD ID 23315.

3. Lightner, JK. 2011.

Similarity & shared mistakes
CM 16(1):5-6. CELD ID 23316.

4. DeYoung, D. 2011.

Mathematics and marriage
CM 16(1):6. CELD ID 23317.

5. Coppedge, D. 2011.

This is your brain on bytes
CM 16(1):9. CELD ID 23318.

6. Coppedge, D. 2011.

Evolution running backwards
CM 16(1):9-10. CELD ID 23319.

7. Coppedge, D. 2011.

The little moon that won't die
CM 16(1):10. CELD ID 23320.

8. Stout, TR. 2011.

The testimony of natural revelation
CM 16(1):11. CELD ID 23321.

9. O'Quinn, JC. 2011.

Evolution's web of deceit
CM 16(1):12. CELD ID 23322.

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