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Contents of Creation Matters 15(4)

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1. Froede, CR. 2010.

Fossilized animal tracks and trackway date uplift of the Appalachian Mountains
CM 15(4):1,6. CELD ID 23275.

2. Bergman, J. 2010.

Clifford Burdick: Unjustly expelled twice (part 1)
CM 15(4):1,3-5. CELD ID 23276.

3. Caproni, K. 2010.

Book review: God's Undertaker: Has Science Buried God? by John C. Lennox
CM 15(4):2-3. CELD ID 23277.

4. DeYoung, D. 2010.

Math Matters: Christianity and the history of math and science
CM 15(4):5-7. CELD ID 23278.

5. Coppedge, D. 2010.

Dating of impacts and impacts of dating
CM 15(4):8-9. CELD ID 23279.

6. Manoushagian, B. 2010.

Letter: An evolutionary theory of mathematics?
CM 15(4):8. CELD ID 23280.

7. DeYoung, D. 2010.

Letter: Reply to Manoushagian
CM 15(4):8. CELD ID 23281.

8. Coppedge, D. 2010.

Scratching heads with imaginary stars
CM 15(4):9. CELD ID 23282.

9. Coppedge, D. 2010.

Electricity forms your heart
CM 15(4):9. CELD ID 23283.

10. Lightner, JK. 2010.

What is natural selection?
CM 15(4):10-11. CELD ID 23284.

11. Stout, TR. 2010.

The testimony of false assumptions
CM 15(4):11. CELD ID 23285.

12. O'Quinn, JC. 2010.

Frozen alive?
CM 15(4):12. CELD ID 23286.

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