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Contents of Creation Matters 14(2)

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1. Berman, J. 2009.

Did Darwin inspire Eugenics?
CM 14(2):1,2-4. CELD ID 23177.

2. Froede, CR. 2009.

Shallower and Less Catastrophic: The Ryan/Pitman "Noah's Flood Hypothesis"
CM 14(2):1, 4. CELD ID 23178.

3. DeYoung, D. 2009.

Math Matters: What was John Craig's theory of Christianity
CM 14(2):5. CELD ID 23179.

4. Stout, TR. 2009.

The testimony of a giraffe's tail
CM 14(2):6. CELD ID 23180.

5. Beh, TP. 2009.

F.A.C.T. Announces opening of museum
CM 14(2):7. CELD ID 23181.

6. Caproni, K. 2009.

Book review: More Than a Theory: Revealing a Testable Model for Creation by Hugh Ross
CM 14(2):8-9. CELD ID 23182.

7. Coppedge, D. 2009.

The evolution of creationism and other tangibles
CM 14(2):9-10. CELD ID 23183.

8. Coppedge, D. 2009.

Cell motors play together
CM 14(2):10. CELD ID 23184.

9. Coppedge, D. 2009.

Tall dinosaurs couldn't lift their heads
CM 14(2):10. CELD ID 23185.

10. Coppedge, D. 2009.

Your eye works a precision jigsaw puzzle
CM 14(2):10-11. CELD ID 23186.

11. O'Quinn, JC. 2009.

Light in the Darkness
CM 14(2):12. CELD ID 23187.

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