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Contents of Creation Matters 11(1)

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1. Barnhart, WR. 2006.

Tiny skeletons and human evolution
CM 11(1):1-3. CELD ID 20353.

2. Bergman, J. 2006.

Controversy in Palaoanthropology
CM 11(1):1,3-5. CELD ID 20354.

3. Anderson, KL. 2006.

Dover Decision
CM 11(1):1,9-11. CELD ID 20355.

4. Bartlett, J. 2006.

How is Intelligent Design doing in the scientific community?
CM 11(1):6-8. CELD ID 20356.

5. anonymous. 2006.

Message from the Editor
CM 11(1):7. CELD ID 20357.

6. Ott, S. 2006.

Dover must change evolution policy within 40M years-Satire
CM 11(1):11. CELD ID 20358.

7. O'Quinn, JC. 2006.

Feeding in the Dark: Part 2
CM 11(1):12. CELD ID 20359.

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